
Effective Hacks for Cutting Energy Consumption

How can individuals reduce their energy consumption? That question is on the minds of people in the 2020s, just as the economy is weakening, and there are more reasons than ever to minimize expenses related to using water, electricity, gasoline, natural gas, diesel fuel, and other forms of power. For most consumers, the simplest way to slice a significant amount of monthly bills is to drive less.

Homeowners use the financial power of personal loans to finance small but essential upgrades, like the installation of special windows. Other individuals, homeowners or not, can change their buying habits, place solar panels on their rooftops, do laundry more efficiently, and use common sense tactics to reduce utility bills and general consumption. See which of the following methods works for you.

Drive Less

The most commonsense hack for using less fuel is to drive less. For busy working adults, it’s as easy as combining weekly chores into a single trip, riding mass transit buses or light rail a few days each week, eliminating unnecessary trips, and walking to neighborhood retailers instead of taking the car. A corollary to reduced mileage is getting a car that delivers better mileage in the city and on highway trips.

There’s no need to purchase a pricey new car to get the benefits of higher MPG ratings. The used market for hybrid electric and gas-miser vehicles is brisk. Using your current ride as a trade-in for a more fuel-friendly one is a smart first step.

Is it Worth Getting an Electric Car

Borrow to Make Home Energy Upgrades

One technique for slashing utility bills and overall consumption of limited resources is to use personal loan proceeds to make one or more home upgrades. What are the most productive types of projects? Many homeowners begin with an energy loss audit, which takes just a few hours and is done by a trained professional. The results dictate what else needs to be done.

A common second step is sealing all gaps in windows, doors, floorboards, and roofs. Additional tactics include adding insulation all around the structure, installing special windows that help maintain constant indoor temperatures, and more. However, prospective borrowers need to be familiar with the pros and cons of getting loans for any purpose at all. Research the advantages and disadvantages of borrowing money before filling out an application.

Add Solar Panels

Despite the common misconceptions about solar panels, rooftop and on-ground solar arrays are one of the fastest ways to reduce the consumption of electricity and other natural resources. The catch for homeowners is the upfront expense, but the latest offerings deliver far more electricity than older panels did. Plus, costs have come way down in the past decade, which has made the decision to add solar easier for homeowners who use cost-benefit analysis.

For those who have never used an array or who live in smaller spaces, it makes sense to start with just a few panels and get the hang of storing electricity for later use, maintaining the units, and learning how quickly arrays pay for themselves.

Wash Wisely

Washers and dryers use plenty of power, whether they run on electricity or natural gas. There are various tried-and-true techniques for making laundry day a much less costly event. Start by using full loads whenever you wash. Underloading is a waste of water and power. Save up small loads until you have enough clothing to fill the washer tub. Next, use the cold water setting whenever possible.


Most consumers use warmer water as a default because they assume the clothes will come out cleaner. That’s only true for select items, so change your default to cold unless there’s a special reason for another temperature. To minimize dryer use, hang large items outdoors or on an indoor rack to dry. Of course, some items need to go into the dryer, but most don’t. It only takes a few easy laundry hacks to reduce utility bills by a substantial amount.

Use Common Sense

A little bit of common sense goes a long way. Turn off lights that are not in use. Do the same for appliances. Set the thermostat at a comfortable level and leave it there. Be stingy with hot water when doing laundry and washing dishes. Install a programmable thermostat and automatic lighting system for additional savings. Being energy smart can reduce unnecessary consumption month after month.

Salman Zafar

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