How to Make Your Concrete Overlays Last Longer?

How to make your concrete overlays last

It’s commonly asked if concrete overlays last? Overlays are an efficient solution for restoring old floors. Concrete floors are durable, so if you see a flaw, it rarely gets severe. When you see a post that needs attention, usually, it only requires a quick touch-up. How long do concrete overlays last? So, how long do […]

Taking Care of Your Perth Home: Concrete Polishing and Its Maintenance

Concrete Polishing and Its Maintenance

Whether for interior floors, feature walls, or even huge exterior panels, polished concrete is increasingly becoming a popular choice of homes in Perth. This material is very versatile as it has sleek aesthetics that nicely complement numerous interior designs. An increasing number of Aussies are polishing their concrete interiors to revamp their homes. This has […]