Virtual office spaces are becoming a contemporary corporate staple, given the flexibility and convenience they tag along with. And unlike traditional brick-and-mortar offices, virtual offices are cloud-based and more convenient. But since you don’t have your employees around, there’s always the challenge of building a much-needed cohesion. Here are the communication tips to ensure that your remote employees are more connected.
1. Communicate Coherently
Given the distance, you won’t have the freedom to communicate with your employees as you typically would in a traditional office. Besides, your employees won’t have one-on-one exchanges and build cohesion. Therefore, it’s better to develop communication schedules or create proper avenues to relay messages. Most virtual offices in Singapore, which you can inquire about by visiting provide mailing services. However, you can still create a unique work mail or sync your Zoom or Skype meetings, so your timing is good. Besides, ensure that you relay your messages more coherently to communicate essential ideas without them straining to figure them out.
2. Communicate at a Personal Level
Encourage your employees to share their issues with you more transparently and deeper. Besides, let them know each other quite well and work in groups in executing the office tasks. Knowing each other at a more profound level helps forge a connection and a deeper understanding of employee strengths and weaknesses, interests, and what intrigues you. That helps break down the walls and creates a connection essential for a much-needed cohesiveness.
3. Schedule Consistent Meetings, But Don’t Overdo It
While scheduling constant meetings helps forge a connection, overdoing it can harm your chances of fostering a relationship with your employees. Unless you need to organize an impromptu virtual meeting, always exhaust your ideas, directions, and instructions on a one-off. If possible, schedule your meetings at least once per week and limit the duration so that it doesn’t become boring. Perhaps, conducting the virtual meetings on a Monday morning will set the tone for the entire week, so you won’t have to get back to them more often.
4. Be Open and Honest in Your Communication
Now that you’re far from each employee, there’s usually room for doubt, incoherence, and a lack of trust. That can singlehandedly compromise your corporate operations and perhaps, stall progress. The best way to counter that is to communicate honestly and be more open when a cloud of doubt lingers. If there’s a chance that you sound dishonest, your employees will pick the cue pretty fast, and that’ll eventually shatter the trust and break the connection.
5. Inspire and Engage
While communication is typically essential to inform, you can edge a step further to inspire your employees. Working apart can be daunting, especially if they maintain a constant connection, but your little motivation can urge them forward. Involve them in a bit of pep talk, fuel their resolve to work together, and let the shared goals inspire them. However, let the pep talks be more surreal and honest for a better dose of inspiration.
Forging connections with your employees in a virtual office can be an uphill task. However, understanding the essential communication tips can prove helpful. Ensure that you communicate honestly and at a deeper level to create the vital connection for initiating coherence.