FAQs about LA property tax

Demystifying LA Property Tax Rates: What You Need to Know

Los Angeles is renowned for its stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and sprawling cityscape. But, as any homeowner knows, living in LA comes with a price tag. Property taxes in LA can be a significant expense, and understanding how they are calculated and paid is essential for homeowners.

In this article, we’ll answer the common questions about LA property tax rates, from calculation to payment, so you can stay on top of your tax obligations and make informed financial decisions about your property in the City of Angels.

Let’s dive in!

What are Property Taxes?

Property taxes are a form of tax paid by property owners to local governments based on the value of their property. In Los Angeles, property taxes are collected by the county treasurer and tax collector’s office. The property tax funds local public services, like education facilities, fire departments, libraries, and law enforcement. Property taxes are calculated based on the assessed value of the property and the tax rate.


The tax rate is the percentage of the assessed value used to calculate the property tax liability. The LA property tax rate is 1% of the assessed value, as set by California law. In addition to the 1% tax rate, there may be additional assessments for local bonds or other special taxes, such as school or community district bonds. These assessments are added to the 1% tax rate to calculate the total tax liability.

What is Assessed Value?

The assessed value of a property is the value assigned to it by the county assessor’s office, which is used to determine property tax liability. The process for assessing the taxable value of a property can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the type of property in question.

What is Proposition 13?

Proposition 13 is a California state law enacted by voters in 1978. It is widely considered one of the most significant legislations in California’s history.

Proposition 13 limits the amount of property tax that can be assessed on any given property to no more than 1% of its assessed value at the time of purchase, plus an additional maximum of 2% per year for inflation.

This means that property taxes are based on the property’s assessed value at the time of purchase rather than its current market value and are capped at a maximum annual increase of 2%.

Proposition 13 also requires a two-thirds majority vote in both the state Assembly and Senate to increase any state tax rate, as well as any local tax rate, for specific purposes such as schools, roads, or public safety. This provision has made it difficult for the state and local governments to raise revenues, leading to debates about the impact of Proposition 13 on California’s public services and infrastructure.

But, for homeowners, Proposition 13 can be beneficial because it keeps their property taxes low and predictable. This is particularly helpful for low-income seniors who may struggle to afford higher property taxes.

Are There Any Tax Exemptions?

In California, certain tax exemptions are available to property owners to reduce their tax burden. One of the most significant exemptions is the Homeowner’s Exemption, which reduces the assessed value of a property by $7,000 for owner-occupied homes.

Another exemption available is the Veteran’s Exemption, which provides property tax relief for veterans who are disabled or served during a period of war. Qualifying veterans can receive a reduction of up to $4,000 in assessed value.

Finally, the Senior Citizens Property Tax Assistance exemption is available to qualifying senior citizens who meet income and residency requirements. This exemption can provide significant relief to those on a fixed income, allowing them to remain in their homes and communities.

Keep in mind that the eligibility requirements and application processes for each of these exemptions may vary, and property owners should consult with their local tax assessor’s office for more information.

Are There Any Additional Property Tax Rates in LA?

In addition to the standard property tax rates, some additional property tax rates may apply in Los Angeles County. One such tax is the Mello-Roos tax imposed on property owners to finance the construction of public facilities or services in a designated community facilities district.

Another tax is the parcel tax put on a specific parcel of property, usually to fund a specific project or service, such as schools or libraries. Property owners must be aware of these additional tax rates, exemptions, and exclusions that may apply to their property.

The Los Angeles County Treasurer and Tax Collector’s office can provide information on these additional taxes and exemptions and assist property owners in determining their tax liability.

How To Calculate Property Taxes?

To calculate your property tax liability, you need to know the assessed value of your property and the tax rate. Let’s say your home’s assessed value is $500,000, and the tax rate is 1%. Your property tax liability would be $5,000 per year. If there are additional assessments or special taxes, those would be added to the $5,000.

When are Property Taxes Due?

Los Angeles property owners must make two separate payments for their property taxes. The first installment is due on November 1st, and late fees will apply after December 10th.

The second installment is due on February 1st, and late fees apply after April 10th It is crucial to submit payments on time to avoid facing financial penalties, such as tax liens or foreclosure.

FAQs about LA property tax

Where Can You Pay Property Taxes?

In the United States, federal taxes are collected by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), while state tax collectors collect state-level taxes. Depending on the area, there may also be county or municipal tax collectors responsible for collecting local taxes.

If you’re a homeowner in California, you can pay your property taxes at your county tax collector’s office. Each county has its own tax collector’s office, and it’s responsible for billing, collecting, and enforcing property taxes.

However, for added convenience, Los Angeles County provides online payment options, enabling homeowners to pay their property taxes online from their homes or workplaces. This can be particularly helpful for those with busy schedules or living farther away from a tax collector’s office.

Bottom Line

Taxes can be a scary topic for many people, but with the right tools and resources, it doesn’t have to be. By staying organized, seeking help when needed, and planning, you can overcome your tax fears and approach tax season with confidence.

Remember to keep accurate records throughout the year, take advantage of tax software or professional help, and consider setting up a payment plan if necessary.  Finally, we hope our article helped you better understand property taxes in LA and take care of your financial responsibilities.

Good luck!

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