how to decide if a trip or move to California is worth it

Is California Worth the Expensive?

People have always flocked to California. Its reputation as a fantastic place to visit has been well established not only in America, but across the globe. California’s amazing weather, plethora of nightlife and entertainment options, and overall amazing atmosphere mean tourism and relocation are extremely common.

But alongside the many wonderful things about the state, the cost of living there has exploded. California is one of the most expensive places to live in the world. This fact makes many people second guess a visit. The high price tag on almost everything can seriously weigh on your wallet.

If this is something your considering yourself, this article is for you. Here’s how to decide if a trip or move to California is worth it.

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When Does it Make Sense to Go?

Despite the high cost of living, there are still plenty of times that a trip to Cali is a fantastic idea.

For starters, if you’re financially very secure, it goes without saying that you might enjoy visiting. California is one of the most naturally beautiful states in the US. From pristine beaches to mountains and forests, the state has plenty of outdoor activities for you to enjoy.

Additionally, California is a thriving metropolis. There are numerous cities offering extensive entertainment, from restaurants to theater to clubs, you can almost certainly find something to do that suits your interests.

These things make it an obvious choice for the wealthy to visit. If money is no object, going to California means you can almost certainly get a bit of everything out of your vacation.

Even if you aren’t hyper-wealthy though, there are still plenty of times a trip to Cali is worth the expense.

If you are considering moving to California for career opportunities, it can be a great idea. California’s extensive metropolitan areas mean there is plenty of employment, much of which pays more to offset the high cost of living.

This is particularly important for those looking to get into more creative industries. Modeling, acting, screenwriting, and a host of other creative jobs are centered around the industry in California. If you want to branch into those kinds of careers, moving there can help you make the connections you need.

But as wonderful as California is, it isn’t always the right choice.

When California Isn’t the Best Option

If you’re not particularly drawn to California in-itself, you might consider taking a trip elsewhere. There are plenty of other extremely beautiful and exciting destinations on the map, many of which are far cheaper.

If you are looking to visit a place with beaches, you may consider other destinations on the west coast. Oregon has many beautiful oceanside locations, some of which are cheaper than California while also being less crowded.

If you’re looking for forests or mountains, Montana or Colorado both offer plenty of natural beauty. While not necessarily cheap, both these states are significantly less expensive than California.

As far as culture and city life, there are plenty of big cities throughout the US. Homing in on what you are really interested can help you choose the best place for you.

For instance, if you’re looking for artistic and creative vibes, Seattle can just as readily offer those as can many of Cali’s big cities.

how to decide if a trip or move to California is worth it

If you’re looking for historic exploration, Massachusetts, Maine, and many other east coast states might have more to offer, often at a cheaper price.

And finally, if you’re looking to start your own business, it might be a good idea to steer clear of California.

While Cali’s industry and high population can be great for business, it can also eat away at your budget.

With the rise of remote work and e-commerce, business location doesn’t matter nearly as much as it once did. You can start a business in the Midwest, sell to people in California through the internet, and pocket the money you would otherwise spend living there.


California will always be an amazing travel destination. That said, its expensiveness might make you second guess visiting or living there. Ultimately, only you know if it’s worth the cost, but if you can figure out what exactly you want out of your travel, you can likely make a similar trip for far less.

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