
8 Safety Tips for Using Rollers During Road Construction

Safety is an essential part of road construction. The equipment used for road construction is often too complicated and huge. The drivers are faced with hazardous risks all the time and must be quite careful. It is essential to make sure that the drivers are safe and sound while driving.

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Here are a few tips that are important for safety during road construction. The below tips also come handy when one is working with a dump trailer or rendering trailers and must not be ignored. The safety features of the roller coupled with the general maintenance can result in a safe experience for both the driver as well as other on-site workers.

1. Always wear the seat belt

Working with rollers can be quite dangerous. Rollovers and slips can result in some serious accidents, which can be fatal at times. The drivers are recommended to wear the seat belts every time they drive.

A seat belt rises the safety quotient by a significant factor and is probably the only thing that will keep the driver intact in place in case the roller rolls over. If the seat belt is damaged or worn out, it is not a good idea to drive that roller. Make sure you get them replaced before driving. Also, they must be adequately sized as well for a seat belt that doesn’t fit won’t work either.

2. Well-maintained Roller

If the roller is well-maintained, the driver automatically becomes safer. Always ensure that the roller that you are driving is reliable to operate and doesn’t have any maintenance or functionality issues. For instance, you should perform a daily check for loose wiring and hoses. You must also check for any leakages and all the electrical controls. All the backup alarms, warning beacons and headlights must be working sound.

3. Be cautious

A cautious driver is a safe driver. It is vital for the driver to be alert regarding the surroundings while driving. You need to be all the more attentive if you are operating inside the work or danger zone. Being completely aware of the happenings in the surroundings can save you from a lot of unforeseen events.

Make sure that nobody is walking behind the road construction vehicles. You can even use spotters to help you keep track of the movement of cars as well as road construction equipment. Spotters can also spot any potential dangers and warn the driver.

4. Develop a safety plan

A well-developed safety plan is the key to ensuring road safety. One must not underestimate the importance of a safety plan. A detailed safety plan helps eliminate a lot of silly mistakes during operation.

A safety plan helps study, evaluate, asses and understand the safest methods to complete the project successfully. However, the safety personnel must make sure that these safety plans are reviewed from time to time as an old safety plan is good for nothing.

5. Study the guidelines

Every roller comes with a general set of guidelines which must be followed to avoid any accidents. The operator must make sure that they are following the manufacturer’s instructions correctly. The supervising staff and operators should be educated regarding safe operating practices. They must know about these safety rules and regulations before the project starts.

Any attachments if used should be appropriately fitted. The manufacturer or safety personnel must individually approve every accessory. Only those attachments should be used which are compatible with the roller. The operator must practice operating the roller before actually setting out on the operation. The operator should always keep a copy of the operating manual handy.

6. Assess the site accurately

Always make sure that the location of operation is correctly assessed for any impending risks before getting started. This must not be skipped in case the roller has any history of rollovers. Space must be cleared of any live electrical cables, water, gas, and any other cables or piping that can damage the machine.

Further, the site must be checked for any overhead and underground hazards of the sort of power lines and utilities. Appropriate measures must be taken to control or minimise these risks. The access to the site must be limited while the machine is running.

7. Dress in the right way

The dressing of the operator also plays an important role when it comes to safety. All the operators must be provided with the necessary safety clothing and equipment. This roughly includes safety masks or goggles along with earplugs or earmuffs.

In case the operators are working with hot bitumen, asphalt or other hot substances, they must be provided with proper long-sleeved clothing, gloves, boots, and other accessories so that their skin doesn’t come in direct contact with the hot substances. The operators must be given guidelines on how to remove any loose clothing and jewellery before operating the equipment.

8. Select a roller with all safety features

Finally, if the roller is equipped with all the safety features, it would add to the safety of the operator. Make sure that you drive only those rollers which are well-maintained and updated. These safety features can vary from model to model and are vital for the work that you’re doing.

Quite vaguely, these safety features of roller include reinforced plates at the bottom, resistant vibration features, and protective cushioning. Make sure that the roller is not devoid of these features as a slight miss can lead to a severe accident.

Final Thoughts

Hence, these were the top eight tips that come handy while driving a road roller. Rollers are one of the essential tools for road construction and are commonly used on roads, sidewalks, and other construction projects. It does not matter if one is working on a dump trailer, rendering trailers or rollers, safety is a must.

The need to adhere to safety and precautionary measures must not be underestimated at any cost. A lot of operators lose their lives every year to accidents involving being run over by rendering trailers, rollers, and other forms of disasters.

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