benefits of automated fabrication

Should Your Fabrication Be Fully Automated?

Over the last few decades, the demand for consumer goods has surged. Overall spending has increased more than 10 percent over the past year alone, and that figure is expected to continue growing in the years to come. People are on a mission to find an endless array of products from packaged foods to electronics and beyond. Because of the uptick, the demand for raw materials and various components has increased among manufacturers as well. Companies that develop materials for manufacturers and products for the general public are struggling to keep up with those constantly growing needs.

Ramping up Your Production Processes

For quite some time, businesses have been looking for ways to ramp up their production and better meet customers’ demands. Much of this trend began about a century ago with the development of factories. During that same time frame, the assembly line was created. All that led to a certain amount of automation in manufacturing and processing facilities.


Of course, automation solutions have undergone significant advancements since that time. Thanks to companies like Modutek, there are more automation options available to businesses now than ever before.

Is Automation the Answer?

Automation offers companies a long list of benefits. In truth, automation provides advantages for workers as well. Though quite a few workers have revolted over this notion in decades past, it’s becoming an accepted convention at this point.

Due to ongoing advancements in the field, automation is basically inevitable. Most companies are already automating at least a few of their processes, but many have yet to make a complete conversion.

Consider the following reasons full automation could be a good fit for your company.

1. Faster Production

It’s no secret that machines work faster than humans in most situations. Full automation can greatly speed up companies’ production processes in many ways.

From more expedient manufacturing to faster loading, unloading, packaging, and inspections, the possibilities are virtually endless. All that extra speed could add up to significantly more profit for your business.

2. Higher Quality

Higher quality could be a strong argument in favor of automation as well. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and mechanical precision give companies many ways to improve the quality of their products.

Technology can also perform more thorough inspections to find flaws in products that might otherwise fall through the cracks. This applies to virtually every phase of the production process from pre-fabrication to the final product.

3. Increased Versatility

Automation can also give companies greater versatility. Computers are capable of storing an unlimited quantity of information, allowing businesses to program countless manufacturing parameters into their machinery. That could make for faster changeovers between production runs and less downtime.

It might also allow companies to expand their product lines without experiencing the difficulties that often come with introducing new production needs.

benefits of automated fabrication

4. Improved Safety

Finally, but certainly not the least significant, is the matter of safety. Millions of workers are injured on the job each year, and machinery is often the culprit. Heavy lifting and repetitive motion are also responsible for numerous work-related injuries.

Automation prevents workers from being exposed to as many potential dangers. That helps save lives and reduces the costs of employee injuries for businesses. That applies to the financial costs as well as the more altruistic ones.

Using Technology to Your Company’s Fullest Advantage

If you’re thinking of incorporating more automation into your production routines, you’re not alone. Quite a few businesses have already made the conversion to full automation and haven’t looked back. Many more are considering the possibilities.

Endless options are at your disposal, and several benefits could come from such a move. No one is saying the human element should be taken out of the mix, but automation is certainly worth considering.

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