how to prevent sexual harassment at work

California Sexual Harassment Training: How To Choose A Program

Employers in California, and all around the world for that matter, are responsible for creating a safe working environment for their workers. Of course, among other things, this means that the workplace should be free of any kind of harassment. This is why employees need to be properly informed on sexual harassment, so that they know when to act and how to protect themselves. Get more info about this concept on this site.

Well, since the employees need to be properly informed on everything, it is safe to say that conducting training is the right thing to do. In fact, this is actually required by the law, which you probably know if you’ve spent any amount of time researching California laws when starting your business in the first place. So, you need to comply with the law and you also need to make your staff will safe in the environment you are creating. What do you do?

It’s pretty simple. You start searching for the perfect harassment training program that will help you do both of those things at once. That’s when you realize, though, that there are so many different options currently out there, which is making it difficult for you to actually choose one of those options and select the perfect program.

Well, I get that. Making a choice is not easy when you are bombarded with so many different options and opportunities. Still, you’ll be much closer toward s making that right choice when you have a look at some of the tips that I have prepared for you below. Those are definitely going to help you in the choosing process, thus leading you to getting the perfect program, which is basically what you want.

Here’s some more info on how to prevent harassment at work:

Go For The Online Option

The first thing that I absolutely have to say is that there are now online trainings people can take, and that makes things a lot easier. Basically, your workers can take the trainings at their own pace and you don’t have to set a specific time and space for them to meet and listen to lectures. This will be much easier for everyone, but also much more effective, since the workers will be far more motivated to do this when they can do it on their own terms.

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Check That It Meets State Requirements

Of course, even though you will be letting your employees to things on their own terms to a certain extent, you all still need to play by someone else’s rules. In this case, I am talking about the rules of the state of California. There are certain requirements that need to be met when these trainings are conducted, and you should keep those requirements in mind when selecting the best program.

Check If It Is Engaging

Just because you need to play by the rules, it doesn’t immediately mean that the program has to be boring. In fact, there are a lot of quite engaging programs out there today that meet all your requirements and that will be successful in educating your employees on this important topic. Choosing an engaging program is always a much better idea than going for a boring one, as the knowledge will actually stick if it is engaging and interesting.

Make Sure It Is Of Good Quality

Apart from checking if the program is engaging, though, you also need to be sure that it is of great quality. In other words, you wish to get the perfect value from it and you want to be sure that your employees will learn everything they need to know on this topic. Thus, when conducting mandatory sexual harassment training in California, always check the quality of the programs you are choosing, since you don’t want to pay for poor value.

It Should Be Mobile Optimized

A great tip to remember is that the program you choose should be mobile optimized. This will make it even easier for all of your employees to participate and not to complain about participating. You want to make things easier for them, since they will be much more motivated to do this when it isn’t complicated.

how to prevent sexual harassment at work

Remember To Research The Providers

You should also remember to research the providers of the trainings. This will help you understand their reputation and check the value of the programs in advance. And, as explained above, value and quality are quite important.

Don’t Forget To Ask For Feedback

Employers often make the mistake of organizing the training and never mentioning it again. Don’t be the same way. Instead, ask your staff for feedback and hear them out. This will help you understand what they think of the program you’ve chosen, and you’ll know if it is good or if it needs to be changed.

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