
6 Plumbing Killer Tips In Great Falls

For most people, plumbing has always been there. You don’t usually worry about maintaining or thinking about it. Only when you run into a problem or it suddenly stops working do you notice your home’s plumbing system. And, when you finally do, it’s absolutely no fun to deal with it.

As such, below are killer plumbing tips you may follow, especially if you live in Great Falls, to prevent annoying pipe issues.

1. No Grease Down the Drain

Have you ever felt so full after eating too much greasy food?  Well, the same thing happens when you pour oil or grease down the drain.

Oil and grease buildup—sure, you won’t notice it in the beginning. And, because it’s also somewhat liquid, it’s totally fine, so down the sink, it goes. Over time, however, that oil and grease will clog your pipes, leaving you with some seriously disgusting and gunky plumbing issues.


So, don’t be too lazy!  Stop pouring those burnt oils down the drain and dispose of them properly. If the problem has already reached an alarming level and no DIY trick seem to solve it, it would be best to hire the services of plumbing experts, such as DM Select Services – Great Falls Plumbers.

2. Don’t Just Flush Everything

Some things are meant to be flushed, but others should definitely not be flushed!  You’ve heard it many times before: never, ever flush toilet paper, as well as baby wipes, cotton balls, hygiene products, and whatever it is you think that’s harmless to flush.

Anything than what you release in your number 1 or number can cause serious clogs (except, of course, if you got a humongous number 2). Kidding aside, toilets are for bodily waste only and not a bathroom’s trash can. So, watch what you flush in order to prevent the serious clogs that you really don’t want to deal with.

3. Never Ignore The Leaks

Drip. Drip. Drip. This steady sound is quite common in most homes. But, did you know that it represents money going down the drain?  A leaky faucet usually wastes up to eight gallons of water a day, while running toilets can waste up to 200 gallons a day.

You need to be extra careful when installing gas pipes or repairing gas components.

Not only that, but some leaks can also be out in plain sight that you would be surprised at the damage it can make if left unattended—mildew, musty smell in basements, crawl spaces, or attics, or discoloration on ceilings and walls. So, make sure to fix the small leaks quickly before they become a big and costly headache.

4. Keep Your Plumbing Warm

You don’t have to worry about this during summer. However, when winter comes, the temperature is going to take a dramatic dive. Keep your plumbing warm and prevent the risk of freezing.

Make sure that you always have air circulating your home at a minimum of 16 degrees Celsius. Insulate as many exterior plumbing lines as possible in order to void catastrophes. In addition, outdoor taps may also lead to frozen pipe issues. So, make sure that your hose and hose valve are completely drained of all water before winter sets in.

5. Locate The Main Water Valve

Plumbing may not be one of the things that you want to know more about. However, it’s crucial that you, at least, know where your main water valve is, as well as what to do in case of problems.

For instance, if you have a pipe burst, you can simply turn off the main water valve in order to minimize the damage until you can get a professional plumber. If you don’t know where it is or how to operate it, then you’ll find yourself scrambling around while your house sustains significant water damage.


6. Ditch The Chemical Drain Cleaners

To prevent or clean up clogs, most homeowners rely too much on commercially advertised drain cleaners. Sure, these cleaners can rapidly remove the clogging problem and make your drains squeaky clean. But, they’re actually not that great for your plumbing’s overall health. In fact, most chemical drain cleaners are so effective at dissolving clogs that they can also cause damage to your pipes in the long run.

With that said, you can try cleaning your pipes with organic ingredients, such as baking soda or vinegar. Also, practicing good plumbing maintenance can ensure that your drain stays clear and clean.


These are just some of the most effective maintenance tips for your plumbing. And, while you can apply all the preventive measures you see on the Internet, with time, you’ll eventually experience an emergency plumbing issue. So, when the going gets tough, it’s best that you let professionals handle it!

Originally posted 2021-03-19 14:02:19.

Salman Zafar

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