14 Secrets of Content Marketing to Convert Visits into Leads


Do you have visitors but nobody leaves you their email? In today’s post we talk about the secrets of content marketing to convert those visits into people interested in what you do, as well as to leave you their email. We are talking about transforming visits into leads using high-quality content creation. With a good […]

Why You Should Include Slideshows in Online Marketing Campaigns


Visual content catches the attention of the maximum volume of viewers within the minimum time, and these flocks respond strongly to these resources. This is the reason for which marketers emphasize the use of the visual contents like videos, images as well as infographics in their online marketing campaigns. Another resource that has been an […]

Comparing Exceed.ai and Conversica’s Functionalities

pros and cons of exceed ai and conversica

A recent study found that 46% of B2B sales reps believe lead quantity and quality were their biggest challenges. Another study showed that 67% of lost sales were usually a result of sales reps not properly qualifying leads before taking them through the sales process. By utilizing AI sales assistants like Exceed.ai and Conversica, your […]