Things Around the House You Can Recycle or Upcycle


When you say you’re recycling, chances are you’re just reusing plastic packaging at home. They’re probably piled up inside the cabinet under the kitchen sink. While that’s a good way to recycle, it’s not enough to reduce your carbon footprint dramatically. To make a more significant change, you should realize that you can recycle more […]

How To Create The “Shabby Chic” Home Decor Style?


Shabby chic home decor became wildly popular during the 80s, and over 40 years later it remains a much-loved household theme for homeowners, decorators and design enthusiasts. This is because it is both timeless and comforting. If you want your home to feel warm and welcoming, while being tasteful and smart, then shabby chic is […]

5 Unique Ways to Teach Waste Management to Your Child


Global temperatures are rising and pollution levels are on an increase across the world. It has been estimated that 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated sewage is dumped into the ocean each year. These alarming levels of pollution put our future generations at severe risk. In fact, pollution is one of the biggest global killers that […]