wearable tech in healthcare

How Wearable Technology and IoT Are Transforming The Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry has innovated more than ever this year. Who would have thought that there will be small-sized ultrasound devices which are accessible through your phone; Artificial intelligence that has perfect accuracy in spotting a patient’s lung tumor; Virtual reality that makes the healing process faster.

Aside from all that, the Internet of Things and wearable tech are also flourishing to aim for sustainable improvement in our health.

What is Wearable Technology and IoT

Wearable technology is often referred to as “wearables.” It is a class of digital equipment that can be worn as ornaments, inserted in clothing, implanted in the body of the patient, or perhaps even painted on the skin.

The gadgets are hands-free equipment with practical applications. They are controlled by microprocessors and have the sending and receive data via the Internet.

Wearables has risen to the forefront of the IoT or Internet of Things due to its rapid adoption.


That’s because of technology that we can now see wristbands, rings, pins, and watches that are connected to our gadgets and the internet.

How it is transforming the Healthcare Industry

JDE Upgrades orchestrated by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne initially display untestable outcomes on a design-focused interface instead of offering medically valuable sensor data. The medical community has traditionally not considered them useful for research or treatment.

As you may know, it should be thoroughly tested under test conditions for the sake of the patient’s health.

However, tables have turned when several evaluations of fitness trackers have revealed significant differences in accuracy amongst devices, having margins of error of up to 25%. If consumer devices are that has ever been considered for medical purposes as well as blog writing service, compliance is an important concern.

Commercial innovation, on the other hand, will undoubtedly help healthcare professionals in the long run. Well-designed gadgets and accompanying front-end interfaces, for example, can be quite powerful at influencing user behavior.

Wearable tech producers frequently employ social forms of intervention in conjunction with other possible mechanisms. It involves gamifying tasks with challenges and objectives, featuring in blog writing service, or rewarding positive behavior with virtual incentives.

All of these tactics are aimed at increasing user involvement. Using comparable ways to address two significant areas for medical practitioners: compliance and adherence might be quite beneficial.

Why Wearable Technology and IoT are Essential in the Healthcare Industry?

Here are some examples of the currently in-demand wearable technology that are proven essential in every healthcare industry:

1. Butterfly IQ: Pocket-Sized Ultrasound

Did you know that half of the global population does not have access to ultrasound or medical imaging? That pushed Jonathan Rothberg to create a smaller type of ultrasound that is called Butterfly iQ and it was distributed to approximately 53 countries. Though it can be said that larger ultrasound machines can perform better, this gadget still displays a great advantage. For example, it is wearable and you can check it anytime, anywhere.

wearable tech in healthcare

2. 3D Digital Hearts

Invasive catheterization is required to diagnose clogged or constricted arteries in so many patients with potential cardiac issues.

Specialists should then do this with a variety of techniques for increasing blood flow, including stenting and balloon angioplasty. HeartFlow was founded by Charles Taylor, a retired Stanford professor, to assist patients in avoiding intrusive medical testing and improving clinical outcomes.

Doctors can practice alternative approaches on displays using the company’s system, which creates customized three-dimensional models which can be turned and peered into.

3. Science-Paper-Reading AI

Each year, millions of peer-reviewed thesis articles are being written. And it is too many for any ordinary person or even scientist to comprehend. Machines, on the other hand, are not bound by this human constraint.

That led BenevolentAI to develop technological algorithms that comb through blog writing services, scientific articles, scientific data, and clinical trial results in search of previously undiscovered connections between disease, medications, and genes.


The healthcare industry gets more unpredictable as technology continues to assist. The innovation has helped to cure, prevent and lessen the cases of severe diseases.

It has helped millions of families to stay healthy and accessible to medical services. Because of that, we must continue to find other answers for health problems in the future.

Salman Zafar

Originally posted 2021-12-16 11:55:39. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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