9 Awesome Container Gardening Tips You Should Try


Container gardening is an interesting way to grow your favorite plants without having to bother about space and other factors. Plants are not fussy about where they are planted. Most plants are okay once they have enough space that allows them to spread their root and well-aerated soil that allows excess water to drain effectively. […]

Ultimate Guide to Sustainable Groundwater Remediation


While there are some fundamental commonalities in the earth’s soil, like the existence of clay or sand in parts of it, groundwater systems around the world are incredibly diverse. Accordingly, remediation treatments available are just as different as the groundwater systems that exist. Region and location play a massive role on the pervasiveness of certain […]

Conserving and Protecting Green Spaces in UAE

green space uae

Water conservation is an issue which should concern us all, especially here in the United Arab Emirates, and it’s not one to be taken lightly. We all enjoy being surrounded by green and pleasant landscapes, but is our obsession with green spaces to a decline in drinking water in the UAE? Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) […]

The Truth About Softened Water and Your Health

improve drinking water quality

For some time now it was reported many times over that having hard water is a bad thing due to having minerals such as calcium and magnesium, but it seems softened water isn’t as beneficial as we thought it was. Hard water gets the short end of the stick because of the minerals that it […]

Artificial Intelligence as a Tool for Environment Protection

career artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence or AI (also known as machine intelligence) is the process of making a machine behave like a human. Artificial intelligence has swiftly emerged as an effective tool for environment protection and conservation of natural resources. Installation of smart grids in cities can utilize AI systems to regulate and control the power consumption. The […]

How to Save Water: An Infographic

reduce water use

Water is everywhere. You drink it to hydrate your body. You use it to cook food and make drinks. It’s one of the most ubiquitous ingredient in the products you use—soap, moisturizer, perfume, shaving foam. If it’s not part of the ingredients, it was most likely used in the making of the product. The world […]