Top 5 Money-Saving Landscaping Tips


Those of us who own a garden and want to beautify it, have probably been for years avoiding to start any major landscaping projects. This is due to the fact that we (falsely) believe that this is a costly investment that will knock out thousands of dollars from our wallet. However, professional landscaping doesn’t have […]

3 Top Uses of Yard Waste

what is yard waste used for

One of the great things about owning or renting a detached home, or even an attached town home, is having a piece of the outdoors that you can call your own. You can lounge in the privacy of in your back yard or grow a garden of flowers or edible plants out front. However, the […]

5 Simple Ways to Kill Weeds for a Greener Lawn

ways to kill weeds

As a portion of land in the garden or house park, a lawn has to be mowed to maintain its aesthetic appeal. Weed can be very opportunistic and should be dealt with immediately once its presence is noted. Weed is unwanted plantation that grows on a piece of land consuming the nutrients meant for other […]

Flowering Plants: Perfect Plants To Grow for Beginners


Plants could make any space feel calmer and fresher. They’re beautiful, fresh-looking, and they could invite some friendly visitors to your homes like bees and butterflies. Now that people usually spend more time at home, gardening is one of the top things you’ll find on their to-do list. It’s great that people are now getting […]

How Permaculture Principles are Going Mainstream?

organic farming

In the wake of the recent UN Climate Summit, there can be little point in playing down the destructive impact humanity is having on the planet. “Climate extremes are the new normal”, was among the key messages, and unless we take action today, the outlook is very bleak. The window for change is narrowing, and […]

7 Tips for Creating an Amazing Backyard


A wonderful backyard can add so many memorable moments for the residents and refine the exterior design of your house. It doesn’t matter if your backyard is big or small, with so many modern solutions like introducing an inventive backyard water fountain, will make it easy to achieve the landscaping goals in Dubai. And with […]

Growing Green: Eco-Friendly Practices in Modern Gardening

ecofriendly garden

Imagine a prosperous garden, teeming with life, the flowers and fruit of nature, and the bee hum and butterfly dance. This sounds quite picturesque, doesn’t it? This is not only an idle daydream but a tangible outcome that arises from embracing environmentally conscious gardening practices. In this article, we’ll explore the vibrant world of environmentally […]

4 Landscaping Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

landscaping business

When done well, landscaping can dramatically transform your home’s appearance as well as increasing its overall value. But it isn’t as simple as planting a few trees or shrubs, or doing a tree removal. There are quite a few things to take into consideration. This can include things such as who will be using your […]

5 Top Benefits of Indoor Gardening


Plants are associated with a good and positive vibrancy and thus having them inside the enclosure is sure to be a positive influence. Lots of benefits are associated with indoor plants, health in particular. There are a lot of plants that can be grown indoors, but make it a point to care for them because […]

How to Build an Effective Indoor Grow Room – 5 Steps


Finally, you have decided to have an indoor grow room. Congratulations. At last, you understand the power of having an indoor grow room. With an indoor grow room, you can conveniently and comfortably conduct your gardening activities. However, getting the process right is extremely important. Here is how to correctly build an indoor grow room: […]

How to Make Hydroponic Solution at Home

hydroponic farming

Plant growers often have to face obstacles like climate and seasons when growing plants. Using hydroponics, you no longer have to worry about weather or the soil condition. Hydroponics is a method by which plants are grown without soil as the medium and mineral nutrient solutions are used to feed the plants in water. So, […]

Tips for Buying Best Quality Fire Pumps for Garden


Fire-related accidents can take place anywhere even in your gardens. That is why you need to have proper arrangements to combat the same and to make sure things are in control. If you wish to protect your gardens or lawns then the quality fire pumps for garden definitely makes a superb choice. It not only […]

9 Awesome Container Gardening Tips You Should Try


Container gardening is an interesting way to grow your favorite plants without having to bother about space and other factors. Plants are not fussy about where they are planted. Most plants are okay once they have enough space that allows them to spread their root and well-aerated soil that allows excess water to drain effectively. […]

How to Start Recycling While Gardening


Starting a garden is a great way to give back to the earth, but if you are not careful, gardening can produce a lot of unnecessary waste. Thankfully, there are ways to intentionally reduce and reuse everyday objects while tending to your garden. The best place to start recycling in the garden is to make […]

7 of the Most Energy-Efficient Ways to Run your Garden


Your outdoor space, whether it’s a grassy yard or a well-maintained garden, is ‘green’ by definition. However, did you know that it may not be as ‘green’ as every gardener hopes it would be? If you notice that your utility bills seem to never go down especially in the summer, your precious garden may very […]

5 Techniques You Should Apply to Clean Your Garden


Cleaning out garden allows you to spend more time on the fun aspects of gardening and provides a clean state of perennials and vegetables to grow. Cleaning up garden plants with dead or broken plant material can be done at any time of year. On the other hand, one of the critical aspects of fall […]

Need A New Hobby? Try DIY Concrete Planters


Are you looking for a way to spend time doing something that is more productive than just sitting around watching shows? Well, it is time to develop a new hobby. You can start by learning how to work with concrete and create planters with it. There is so much that you can do with concrete, […]

A Handy Guide to Creating a Backyard from Scratch


Do you want to create a stunning backyard, a place where you can occasionally enjoy open-air dinners with your family, attend to some official paperwork or entertain guests outdoor? Whatever reasons you have, keep in mind that comfort is essential. According to, it is possible to create a multi-purpose backyard.  So here are simple […]

All You Need to Know About Green Roofs

green roofs benefits

Green roofs are emerging home improvement technologies that can provide a wide range of tangible and intangible benefits to communities interested in enhancement of their environment. Green roof development involves the construction of a vegetative layer on top of a human-made structure or building adding green spaces to areas that would otherwise be unused.  The […]

Essential Lawnmower Safety Basics to Know Before You Mow


Not many gardeners are aware of this, but in the U.S. alone, over 9000 children end up in the emergency room due to lawnmower accidents and related injuries. According to the US Safety Commission for Consumer Products, over 235,000 adults and about 17,000 children suffered mower injuries back in 2010, ranging from cuts and minor […]

4 Tips To Protect Your Garden From Vermin


It’s important to protect your garden from vermin in order to ensure your plants and fruit trees remain healthy and look their best. There are plenty of products that can accomplish this, but it’s important to know which ones will work well and what’s best for your garden. Most companies today will have a wide […]

An Amateur’s Guide to Gardening


So you’ve decided to take the plunge and spruce up your garden. There’s only one problem: you have no idea what you’re doing. Sure, you looked at some videos and saved some photos, and it seemed simple enough . . . until you got started. Turns out, DIY gardening is tougher than it looks. Not […]

Conserving and Protecting Green Spaces in UAE

green space uae

Water conservation is an issue which should concern us all, especially here in the United Arab Emirates, and it’s not one to be taken lightly. We all enjoy being surrounded by green and pleasant landscapes, but is our obsession with green spaces to a decline in drinking water in the UAE? Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) […]

Be Sustainable: Turn Your Garden Into The Supermarket


If you’re trying to cut back on costs and live a more sustainable lifestyle, then you should be very proud of yourself. A lot of people talk about wanting to change the way they live their life, but not many people actually do anything about it. If you’d like to take the next step – […]

5 Benefits of a Greenhouse

greenhouse benefits

Greenhouses came about during the 17th century, as a designated place to protect plants from extreme elements. As time passed and glass became less expensive, these brick or timber housing units began to resemble glass houses, only using minimal wood or metal for, primarily, the frame itself. Due to advanced heating and other relevant technology, […]

8 Steps to Grow an Organic Apple Tree

organic farming

As more information becomes known about the potential negative health impact of commercial pesticides and genetically modified organisms (GMOs), eating organic is becoming more important to people today than ever before. Concerned parents want the best products for their kids. Chefs lure in new diners with the promise of fresh organic dishes that maximize flavor […]

Why Does Artificial Grass Hold Up Better in Rainy Weather?

artificial rain and heavy rains

Mother Nature likes to remind us from time to time that she’s in charge. No matter what we do or how we prepare, we simply can’t control the weather nor can we often be ready for the damaging effects that sometimes come along with it. There are, however, steps we can take to minimize any […]

6 Top Reasons to Use Modern Planter Boxes for Gardening

eco-friendly gardening

There is a recent trend of modern planter boxes especially for those who love to plant trees. If you want to enjoy gardening in style, consider using a modern planter box that adds a touch of sophistication to your outdoor space, and also provides a practical solution for growing plants and vegetables in small or […]

4 Landscaping Business Necessities

benefits of landscaping business software

A landscaping business can be very rewarding financially and in regards to finding a meaningful place in society. In addition, landscaping professionals develop trusted and significant relationships with the clients they serve by providing an essential service to others year after year. Done right, a landscaping business is more than just mowing a few people’s […]

4 Tips to Buying Expensive Lawn Care Equipment


Tallgrass could become home to the most dangerous insects including mosquitoes, which we all know is good at spreading malaria, especially to children. As a way of keeping your home looking tidy and presentable to neighbors and visitors, you have to keep the grass as short as possible. You can also use this tactic to […]

Unending Benefits of Indoor Plants in Your Home

indoor plants for home

We love plants because they make our home look more beautiful and it’s healthy being surrounded by them. While some choose to decorate a room with a plant or two, there are those who love making their house look like a real jungle. Indoor plants have many benefits, such as purifying the air, driving away […]

Reasons Why Your Grass Is Not Growing (And What To Do About It)

helpful tips on lawn maintenance

Grass is a beautiful part of any landscape, but it can be frustrating when it doesn’t seem to want to grow. There are many reasons why your lawn may not be doing well, but don’t worry – we’re here to help! In this blog post, we will discuss the most common reasons why grass fails […]

7 Tips to Create a Relaxing Backyard During the Summer

fabulous exterior design

During the summer months the backyard can become the most important place in your home. Deciding to improve it and make it more usable is a great idea. After a hard day at work there is nothing better than relaxing in your own garden. It should also be a place where you want to invite […]

Introduction to Hydroponic Farming

hydroponic farming

Hydroponic farming is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil. The hydroponic gardener regulates the composition of nutrients in the liquid solution used to water the plants. He also regulates the frequency of supplying the nutrients to the plants. Simply, the hydroponic gardener controls the growing environment of the […]

Are Organic Fertilisers Better for Crops than Chemical Fertilisers?

Are Organic Fertilisers Better for Crops than Chemical Fertilisers

Do you want to improve the health of your crops? In order for all plants to grow, they need certain nutrients. While some are able to get these nutrients from the soil, others will need some help along the way to grow. This means that you might have to use fertiliser to give your crops […]

8 Top 3D Printed Tools to Make Your Home Greener


You probably never thought you would live to see the day that machines could make something out of nothing. New 3D printing is the latest craze in the engineering and tech worlds—and for good reason. From producing tiny parts to large-scale machinery, 3D printed tools are changing the world. One of the greatest elements of […]

Everything You Need to Know About Hoop Houses


Being a farmer or landowner, your utmost desire is to get maximum output from minimum input and this is what hoop house does. Hoop house absorbs heat from sun and spread it inside so that all the plants grown inside the house can get benefit from it. It also has the ability to increase the […]

Tips for Getting Rid of Mice in Your Backyard


Mice are a common pest all over the world, but some regions may be favourable for them than the others. Having mice in your backyard is a health hazard as they carry diseases that they can transfer to you or your pets. Mice can also leave a huge mess if they find a way into […]

The Best Indoor Plant Options For Your Home Office

Best Indoor Plant Options

Keeping plants in your office has been popular since the 1950s; when women started working in the office, they created a whole new idea that worked out perfectly by making the work environment far more pleasant and welcoming. And you can source a variety of stylish planters from PureModern to display your selection of elegant […]