The Top 4 Green Materials for Your Sustainable Furniture


Every home needs functional and eye-candy pieces of furniture. But in our era today, functionality and style are no longer the criteria in buying such items. The necessity of furniture to become eco-friendly or ‘green’ is now the new norm, not just for lifestyle-conscious people, but also for those who are looking for ways to […]

How to Start Recycling While Gardening


Starting a garden is a great way to give back to the earth, but if you are not careful, gardening can produce a lot of unnecessary waste. Thankfully, there are ways to intentionally reduce and reuse everyday objects while tending to your garden. The best place to start recycling in the garden is to make […]

Plastic Buildup in Our Oceans


From food storage to furniture—we use plastic for everything. In 2008 alone 245 million tons of plastic were produced. These plastics often find there way into our waterways. Every year 6.4 million tons are dumped into the ocean. Many marine wildlife are injured or killed from plastic consumption. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a collection […]

OneLessStraw Pledge Campaign


In October of 2016, One More Generation founders Olivia (14) and her brother Carter (15.5) launched their global OneLessStraw Pledge Campaign in an effort to help clean up our environment and educate people on the harms of using single use plastic straws. Some interesting facts: Did you know that in America, we are using an […]

Smart Cities Have To Be Clean Cities


Our cities are becoming smart cities every day, but unless our cities are clean and litter-free, we are going to face massive problems. Globally there are over 1.5 Billion Unsecured wheelie bins, these bins are massively concentrated in cities. Wheelie bins are a prominent cause behind litter pollution and are responsible for many environmental and […]

The Debate on Banning Plastic Bags in Africa

plastic waste africa

Africa, the continent with the least commitment to creating an environmental haven still hangs with an ongoing debate on plastic bags. This running debate circles around whether or not to ban plastics on the entire continent. For this to happen, it would take 54 different governments to pass a plastic bag bill in each of […]

Why Grocery Shopping Isn’t Complete Without a Tote Bag


The most activity people are getting to do during the COVID era is going grocery shopping. It has always been an enjoyable experience for a lot of people, but when the threat of coronavirus sprung on everyone, this weekly activity has taken on a new meaning. What was fun became a matter of survival, a […]