5 Tips to Make your Business Ecofriendly


The thick and toxic smog that hangs over highly populated cities has been linked to dementia and causes thousands of premature deaths in the UK every year. It’s clearly a major issue that requires a lot of key players working together for a solution. Not least of these is the big, bad world of business, […]

Reinventing Business Cards: Environmental Perspectives


Each year 100 billion business cards are produced worldwide leading to the potential loss of approaching 6 million trees. Perhaps more shocking is the fact that within a week after receiving a business card, almost 90% of them are thrown away. Some of these cards will be recycled, but many will find their way into […]

4 Types of Printing: Inks, Presses, Paper and Finishing

types of printing

The printing industry has come a long way since it first emerged. While the technology has developed quite a bit, some traditional techniques are widely used today. The type of printing you choose can be largely dependent on what you are trying to accomplish. There are four main types of printing: inks, presses, paper, and […]

The Debate on Banning Plastic Bags in Africa

plastic waste africa

Africa, the continent with the least commitment to creating an environmental haven still hangs with an ongoing debate on plastic bags. This running debate circles around whether or not to ban plastics on the entire continent. For this to happen, it would take 54 different governments to pass a plastic bag bill in each of […]

3 Ways to Make Your Office Eco-Friendly

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One of the latest terms in office procedures and office setup is “Eco-friendly.” That broad term refers to items, practices, procedures and standards that do not harm the environment. It applies to everything from printer paper to cloud computing. What Eco-Friendly Really Means While people use the term to loosely refer to products contributing to […]

Waste Management in Britain: Interesting Facts

rubbish clearance uk

On an average, each one of UK’s households produces one tonne of rubbish per year. Nationally, a total of 31 million tonnes of waste is produced annually. Tesco generated 46,684 tons of food waste in 2016-2017. Reliable statistics clearly reveal that Britain’s mountain of waste can fill the nation’s largest lake, Lake Windermere in just eight […]