8 Benefits of an Eco-Friendly House

ecofriendly home

The world all around you is going eco-friendly. The term may befuddle you at first and make you question how the houses you’re currently living in could be dangerous for the environment. The answer lies in one word: energy. Everything you use and see is somehow a form of energy. The main objective of an […]

8 Ways to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Your Business


Carbon footprint refers to the quantity of carbon dioxide an entity releases into the atmosphere during daily operations. All businesses engage in processes that produce greenhouse gas emissions in some form, whether using carbon-based fuels to run machinery, transportation, or water sourcing. Modern businesses are in charge of adopting sustainable technologies intending to reduce their […]

How Eco-Friendly Companies Have Publicized Their Breakthroughs?


If you want to publicize your eco-friendly breakthroughs in your industry, it can be difficult. After all, the world is more competitive than ever before. Plus, if you are an eco-friendly company, you want to do it in a way that doesn’t use more resources than you need. Therefore, you need a good strategy. Here […]

Environmentally-Responsible Flooring Across The Home

components of modern architecture

As younger generations are slowly beginning to get traction on the housing ladder, their spending habits are beginning to be reflected in the home improvement market. Millennials are more invested in sustainability than previous generations, and luckily- they’re willing to pay to see their values reflected in their homes. A study by Forbes found that […]

Why Having Strong CSR Credentials is Important for Businesses


Corporate Social Responsibility has become the latest buzzword of late, only because people have started realizing that the ‘profit only’ motive of the corporate giants has a terrible impact on social issues, like human rights and environmental sustainability. Infact, many corporations push governments to ease environmental regulations to save millions through shortcuts in environmental care […]

5 Effective Ways to Make Logistics Sustainable

sustainable logistics

The modern supply chain is an intricate and nuanced business process that involves numerous key actors, and of course, requires mounds of resources in order to function efficiently, effectively and securely. For those key actors, that is. As for the environment, or the individual logistics businesses involved in the process, the costs can be sky-high. […]

5 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint at Home

smart home technology

Climate change is moving from scientific theory to everyday fact. Global warming effects are beginning to filter down to the average person’s day-to-day experiences. Record heat waves are hitting the U.S. Larger forest fires are burning entire cities. Historic flooding events are inundating coastal areas. Hurricanes are getting more frequent and destructive. Climate change is […]

6 Ways to Reduce Carbon Footprint of Your Home


There is so much talk going on at the moment about carbon pollution, climate change and the necessity for all of us to do our part to protect the environment. The truth is that carbon pollution can lead to so many different problems like altered weather patterns or food insecurities. We can all do our […]

Using Your Investment Income Without Hurting the Planet

corporate gift ideas

Many of us invest money to attain financial freedom in the near or far future. But if your financial freedom is contributing to the earth’s destruction, you need to change your ways. But how exactly does our spending hurt the planet? Major expenditures, like building a home or traveling, have environmental impacts. Home construction generates […]

Global Warming and the Common Man


Everybody is worried about climate change. It’s just that a fair proportion is convinced it is a natural phenomenon, nothing to do with human activities. When a significant number of individuals see global warming this way a lot of energy can go out of the window in arguing over who is right – energy that […]

5 Easy Ways To Save the Planet

saving the planet

The fact that climate change is an ever growing, man-made risk is shockingly still a divisive debate among the general public, with most people unable to grasp the severity of the situation and how they’re contributing to it. They don’t realize that 2016 was the hottest year recorded since 1880, that sea levels are rising […]

5 Tips to Make your Business Ecofriendly


The thick and toxic smog that hangs over highly populated cities has been linked to dementia and causes thousands of premature deaths in the UK every year. It’s clearly a major issue that requires a lot of key players working together for a solution. Not least of these is the big, bad world of business, […]