Making a Difference: Work That Can Change the World

social entrepreneurship ideas

Recent research has shown that Americans are struggling to feel happy. Many of us long to experience a greater sense of meaning in our lives. We know that we feel generally unsatisfied, but we don’t know how to fix the problem. We also might feel depressed when we look around at the world and see […]

Recruit the Best Candidates through Pre-Employment Screening

pre employement screening

With identity thefts, cybercrime, and addictions of all sorts, it’s no wonder employers are becoming more reluctant to start hiring people merely based on their resume statements and recommendation letters. Of course, the world is also brimming with brilliant candidates, innovators, and incredibly creative thinkers all eager to join your team, but the risk of […]

4 Ways Better Education Helps in Environmental Awareness

saving the planet

There has always been an innate link between education and environmental awareness. As we learn more about the world and disseminate this information to students of all ages, awareness can quickly turn to positive action. Better environmental awareness can better arm the population to protect the environment around us and preserve it for generations to […]

3 Ways to Prepare Yourself for Blogging Success


Over the course of the last year, traditional employment opportunities have dwindled as our economic engine of commerce has ground to a halt. The downturn has been especially significant across multiple industries, including the airlines, restaurant and hospitality, tourism, automobiles and oil and gas. Even in sectors that have fared better during the pandemic many […]

Global Warming and the Common Man


Everybody is worried about climate change. It’s just that a fair proportion is convinced it is a natural phenomenon, nothing to do with human activities. When a significant number of individuals see global warming this way a lot of energy can go out of the window in arguing over who is right – energy that […]