Everything You Need to Know About Carbon Offsetting Your Flights

carbon offsetting flights

In 2017 alone, airlines in the United States carried more passengers than ever before — a whopping 849.3 million travelers. Though flying is more popular than ever, there is a problem. Passengers who fly frequently are increasing their carbon footprint. Flying takes a lot of manpower and fuel, and isn’t great for the environment. You […]

Climate Change Contrarians – A Compendium

Global Warming

Everyone is concerned about global warming and climate change, one of today’s hottest topics. Just looking up these terms in any search engine will turn millions of results. It is a topic growing in importance and it is the duty of every global citizen to understand this phenomenon. There is a consensus among 97% of […]

Global Warming and the Common Man


Everybody is worried about climate change. It’s just that a fair proportion is convinced it is a natural phenomenon, nothing to do with human activities. When a significant number of individuals see global warming this way a lot of energy can go out of the window in arguing over who is right – energy that […]

The Top 7 Benefits of Recycling Used Oil

cooking oil recycling

Recycling is an environmental industry buzzword. Oil is one of the most used products around the world. It also is one of the most common environmental pollutants. Its hazardous effects on the environment have been widely documented and so have the benefits of its recycling. Here are some of the benefits of recycling used oil. […]