Cleaning out garden allows you to spend more time on the fun aspects of gardening and provides a clean state of perennials and vegetables to grow. Cleaning up garden plants with dead or broken plant material can be done at any time of year. On the other hand, one of the critical aspects of fall cleanup is the removal of pests and diseases.
Garden cleanup should also include maintenance of compost pile and proper practices to prevent mould and remove unnecessary weeds. The up to the minute, Gardener may wonder exactly when and how to do each project. Here are some handy techniques to clean your garden and enhance its beauty.
The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is not just to feed the body, but the soul.
– (Alfred Austin)
Mow grass
Mowing grass is an effective way to nurture growth and keep your lawn looking great. Improved soil texture and less need of fertilizers are a few beneficial elements of grass mowing. But the prime factor is how properly you are mowing, as a condition of your garden entirely depends on how nicely it is done.
A poor mowing practice could hurt your garden and could cause many problems. One should follow some quick, easy rules to make his grass mowing prompt and proper.
Quick and Easy Reminders
- Mow a dry lawn
- Set your mower high
- Do not stick on the same mowing pattern
- Wait before mowing the new garden
- Your mower blades should be sharp
- Always push mower in the forward direction
- Protect your eyes from any debris that shoot up while you mow.
Clean up leaves
Not only autumn season demands cleaning leaves from the garden, but some trees shed leaves even in winter and spring as well. Lawn maintenance is necessary in this regard because this not only diminishes the beauty of your garden, but it will also produce harm to other plants in your lawn. There is more danger of insects attack on dead plants rather than the plants growing on trees.
A few garden cleaning tips that will help you in removing leaves from your lawn are described below:
- Do not rake in the wet, wait for the temperature to rise.
- Remove the dead leaves from your garden so that the other leaves may not get harm.
- Clean up fallen leaves at least once a week.
Carefully mulch plants
Mulching is a layer of material applied to the surface of the soil, not entirely but a somehow organic method. Mulching contains conservation of soil moisture, improve the fertility and health of the soil, and enhancing the visual beauty of the lawn.
Before you mulch your garden, you must consider yourself to be calm, do not be quick or harsh as there are many beneficial insects in the plants. Wait for the weather to be warm and soil to dry out completely. Heavy mulches are better to use as they are of high quality, look good and last longer. Here you can see some of the best rated mulching lawn mowers in the UK market.
Don’t crowd plants
A gardener must keep an eye on the grown plants as they spread. Plants, when become crowded, creates humidity which in result responsible for many harmful diseases like powdery mildew, rust and downy mildew. To allow the airflow and reduce humidity around your plants, always observe the growth of your plants so that you can cut it on time.
Moreover, plants that are placed too closely have less scope to grow faster due to the competition for light, nutrients and water. Weak plants are more susceptible to be attacked by diseases, not only this can be a reason sometimes diseased leaves come in contact with a healthy leave when they are placed next to each other.
To reduce the causes of the disease, trim out damaged, crowded or old stalks on plants that are infected. Rearranging or dividing your plants could also help you in cleaning your garden. Hiring expert landscapers may also be helpful in maintaining the beauty of your backyard oasis.
Pull or dig old stems or roots
To avoid diseases attack your plants throw the diseased roots or stem to trash. Do not keep them as they can be hazardous for other plants and could destroy the beauty of your lawn. It is a good practice to check your garden at least after a week so that the captivating land stay maintained.
I was doing some research today on pest management in gardens and I read several of your articles on managing pests in flowers.
I wanted to let you guys know about a guide I wrote here:
all about Powdery Mildew.
It is pretty thorough and might be something that could be helpful to your readers, if you think it might be something you’d want to link to.
Keep up the great work!
-David Carver
The important thing about this disease is all powdery mildew species can germinate and get infected in the absence of water, even though humidity requirements for germination vary.
Thank you for your valuable information. I hope these tips are really help me to clean my backyard.