All You Need to Know About Green Roofs

green roofs benefits

Green roofs are emerging home improvement technologies that can provide a wide range of tangible and intangible benefits to communities interested in enhancement of their environment. Green roof development involves the construction of a vegetative layer on top of a human-made structure or building adding green spaces to areas that would otherwise be unused.  The […]

6 Surprisingly “Green” Facts About Porta Potties

benefits of portable toilets

In an age when 74 percent of U.S. adults believe the country should do whatever it takes to protect the environment, it’s time to shed light on the misconceptions and eradicate the stigma of what is actually one of the world’s largest sources of sustainability: porta potties. These two words may conjure thoughts of stifling […]

Urban Heat Island Effect: Causes, Impacts and Mitigation

UHI Effect

The urban heat island effect arises due to absorption of incident radiation from the sun by built surfaces of tall buildings, roof, concrete structures and asphalt roads and then releasing it in the form of heat. The term “urban heat island” describes the built-up areas that are significantly hotter than the surrounding open, natural or […]