gifts for programmer friend

4 Gift Ideas For Your Programmer Friend

Having a friend who’s really into computers can be confusing, to say the least. If they tell you they are learning the Python language, you might expect a lot of hissing. If they mention chunky salsa or the Baklava code, you may find yourself feeling hungry.

As challenging as it can be to talk to a computer programmer, it can be even more difficult to figure out what to get them as a gift. You know they’re obsessed with computers and you want to get them something that they can use, but you don’t know enough about computers to get them something thoughtful.

1. A Computer Themed T-shirt

If you are looking for a fun and economical gift, you can always get them a funny computer-themed shirt. Printful can help you create a computer-themed shirt for the computer-lover in your life.

Take a picture of their computer and put it on a shirt with a snappy tagline like “Hello, I’m the other individual in your spouse’s life.” Use a quote from a famous computer-themed movie or television program. If you have an especially hip programmer in your life, you can get them a shirt that says “Brogrammer.” If they have a favorite game, you can reference that as well. The more obscure your reference is, the more they are likely to enjoy it.

2. Noise Canceling Headphones

Let’s face it – computer programmers live in their own little world. They often play games, write code, or talk to other programmers for hours on end. They don’t want any distractions when they’re doing their work. Fortunately, you can buy headphones that shut out the rest of the world.

They can listen to their favorite tunes while writing a program to save the economy, end world hunger, or make sure all pizzas are delivered on time. They can hear their game of Fortnite with perfect clarity, and they will never miss a siren sound when they play Grand Theft Auto.

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3. The Gift of Knowledge

Some professions require workers to update their skills periodically. Computer programming is one of them. Programming moves at a rapid pace, and new languages are being written all the time as well as modifications to old languages. When a programmer has to update their skills, they take a class online or through a local trade school or community college. These classes can be expensive, but they are often necessary for a job.

If you have some money to spend, you can give your friend a class to keep their skills sharp. Any programmer would appreciate it. They’ll remember you when they get their next promotion.

4. A Massage Chair

Sitting hunched over in one position all day can wreak havoc on a person’s back. Most programmers work more than eight hours a day, and they end up with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and spinal problems. A massage chair is a perfect way to unwind at the end of the day.

gifts for programmer friend

If a massage chair is too rich for your blood, you can always get your friend a neck massager or back massager. Anything that relieves the stress brought on by hours of sitting will help a weary programmer out.

Shopping for presents can be stressful. Having a short list to reference can help you pick out a gift your favorite programmer is sure to love.

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