
7 Habits of People Who Always Have Tidy Homes

Do you have a workmate who is a mother and reports to work every day looking smart and relaxed? Where on earth does she get enough time to iron her clothes and take breakfast? Probably, you never take breakfast lest you arrive late and lose your job! People who have tidy homes possess unique habits, including multitasking, placing everything where it belongs, and cleaning your fridge on a weekly basis. To start with, some of these habits can be difficult to maintain.

Here are list of seven habits from maid service Chicago to have your home tidy and cleaned.

1. Multitasking

There are tasks you can do as you clean the utensils. For instance, I’ve always cooked while cleaning the utensils. It helps save the time you could have spent cooking after washing utensils. Besides, you’re able to clean the utensils you’ve used during food preparation.

By the time you’re done cooking, not a single plate is dirty.

2. Clean Your Fridge Every weekend

With veggies and fluids in the fridge, your fridge needs regular clean up. Depending on what you store there, you might need to wipe or deep clean it after every seven days.

While at it, rearrange the foodstuff. Also, check what foodstuff needs to be restocked as well as what needs to be deposed.

3. Plan Ahead

Don’t take chances; always have a plan for each new day. Planning helps your mind to get ready for the next task(s).


It helps you to have all the necessary foodstuff in your fridge. Thus, you won’t rush out at the last minute, which would inconvenience your schedule. Eventually, you leave out some tasks. Hence, leaving your home untidy.

4. Have Everything Where It Belongs

It’s easy to throw the bag, coat, and shoes anywhere on arrival from your office or grocery. If every day, for the next one week, you use different shoes, bags, and coats and throw them anywhere on arrival, what’s would be the new face of your home?

There’ll be clutter all over.

5. Procrastination is ‘Suicidal’

Procrastination deceives you; it is possible to do a task later. It can be the next day. You, therefore, relax. Probably you might choose to watch your favorite movie.  Unfortunately, it’s possible to postpone the same task the next day, too.

By the end of it all, your house will be stinking and untidy.

6. Clean As You Go

Wipe the shelves and counters as you cook. According to Maid Services Lafayette IN, arrange the fridge when picking something from it and when adding new foodstuff. Pick what is not in its right place as you walk around the house and store it where it should be.


In other words, keep your hands on the move every time you are walking around the house. That’s how you declutter your home.

7. Keeps The Library Neat

Avoid reading books while on your bed or kitchen. It’s good to have a study room next to your library. Make it a rule; you’ll never walk out of the study room with a book. Additionally, avoid leaving books on the study table. If you think you’ll forget where you read last, use a marker and have the book back on the shelf.

Recommended Reading: How an unclean home can affect your teen’s health

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