
The Difference Between a Housekeeper and a Home Cleaner

If you look around your home with a sense of panic and frustration at the sheer level of disarray and acknowledge the fact that there is simply no time left in your chaotic schedule to tackle the mess, it may be time to call for backup. Investing in cleaning services NYC is something more people are finding necessary as everyone living in the home is subject to hectic schedules.

Typically, in households with children, both parents work, and the kids are in school and extracurricular activities. Maneuvering around each other’s activities, in addition to maintaining healthy eating habits, leaves little time for general household duties.

Once you throw your hands up in defeat at the notion of being able to handle all the different ‘jobs’ you try to do regularly, it’s time to go online and search for a professional house cleaning service by visiting various sites.

You’ll find that this may be the perfect solution to alleviate your exasperation, not to mention the high-stress you’re experiencing. The only thing left to decide is what duties you should consider outsourcing, which will determine whether you obtain a housekeeper or a home cleaner. House cleaning service may help you in resolving home cleaning-related stress and doubts.

cleaning tips for home

House Cleaning Services vs. Home Cleaning

There are slight differences between a housekeeper and a home cleaner. The two terms sound interchangeable, but there are distinctions that you should be familiar with so that you get the right person for your job. The primary variation concerns the frequency of services and the type of duties they take care of when in the home. Visit their website here to find the best cleaning services in Dukes County.

With a housekeeper, you will have this person available to you on a more consistent basis, depending on the needs that you have with a schedule of up to two or more days per week. In those days, the person has a list of daily or weekly tasks for completing with you providing the supplies to do the job.

house cleaning services

Contrastly, a home cleaner comes in for more significant jobs, like a deep cleaning of the house from top to bottom such as with preparing the home for sale or spring cleaning. A steadier presence performing a general list of duties is going to be more along the lines of a housekeeper. Click this to read tips for hiring cleaning services.

Duties A Housekeeper Performs

A housekeeper’s duties vary depending on what the person is willing to take on and what your specific needs may be. Some housekeepers are willing to do certain things where others may not accept certain tasks such as caring for pets. When you make a job posting, ensure that you are explicit in what it is that you need in the housekeeping position, so the person answering knows what exactly to expect.

Typical duties of a housekeeper include:

  • Living area light cleaning, which would consist of sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, and dusting.
  • Bathroom cleaning, which would include showers, toilets, mirrors, and sinks.
  • Kitchen cleaning inclusive of washing down the counters, appliances, sinks, and doors of the cabinets. Inside cabinets are not part of a housekeeper’s duties. These are things a professional cleaner should tell you with the interview process.
  • Dishes to be washed, dried, and put away.
  • Bed linens changed out, and the beds made.
  • Laundry washing, ironing, and folding of the clothes.
  • Washing inside windows.
  • Personal item restocking like tissues, paper towels, toilet paper.
  • Basic tidy in each room, which consists of decluttering, putting toys away, and light organization.
  • Errands, which could be shopping for groceries, dry cleaning, drop-off, mail. There needs to be a method for payment for this particular task. Errands are one of the duties of which not all housekeepers are going to engage. Follow this link for hiring tips.
  • Preparation of family meals. Meals are also not something for which all housekeepers will want to participate. You need to be clear in your listing that you wish to have this service and what type of diet your family indulges.

You will be providing the cleaning supplies for the housekeeper, so it’s essential to keep track or ask the housekeeper to let you know when supplies are getting low so that you can replenish them.

Hiring a housekeeper can be a pleasant experience if you keep in mind the duties for which they will be responsible. Make sure to be clear with what your needs are, especially those things that may be out of the ordinary.

Communication is key to finding the perfect person to join your family.

8 thoughts on “The Difference Between a Housekeeper and a Home Cleaner

  1. Vacuum cleaner is about the same size as a mobile phone, 198mm long, 66mm wide, compact in shape, can be operated with one hand, breaking the traditional vacuum cleaner form, and will not occupy too much space in your car.

  2. It is necessary to understand the difference between housekeeping and house cleaner. One should be very careful regarding adopting housekeeping and housecleaning. Thank you very much for sharing this post here! Keep sharing this more and more!

  3. From your article, it was found that there is a huge difference between house cleaning and housekeeping. Housekeeping just cleans your home but did not able to kill all the bacteria and harmful viruses but a house cleaner can do it. Your article helped me in understanding these terms briefly. Really Amazed!

  4. We have recently started our house cleaning company, Old Bridge House Cleaning, and came across this article. Really appreciate you taking the time to educate us on this. I’m glad you mentioned the difference between a housekeeper and a house cleaner because I feel like there are many misconceptions for both. As a house cleaning company, we think it is important for more people to understand the difference of each. House cleaning by no means is an exciting topic to write about, but you did an excellent job keeping it entertaining and clarifying. Thanks a ton!

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