
How to Maintain Your Electric Scooter?

Finding it a hassle to come all the way down just to fix a minor problem with your best electric scooter for heavy adults? Below is a list of maintenance tips to to maintain your electric scooter and also do a little bit of hands on and try fixing the e-scooter yourself.

When discussion comes on riding electric scooter the first thing comes in to mind that “How to maintain Electric Scooter?”. It’s not a big issue to fix and maintain electric scooter all from scratch till the end. We provide you a list of thing which you have to follow in order to get your tires back on road.

When you start feeling some disturbance while riding electric scooter, you can get idea that some trouble happens and you have to resolve the issue. Your electric scooters need to be regularly maintained with all the necessary precautions just like other vehicles need these precautionary measurements. If you want to travel on hilly areas you have to buy the best electric scooter for climbing hills because normal electric scooters are not made for these types of rides.


The thing you must have to take care is that prevention is better than maintenance. You have to take care of electric motor, batteries, throttles, wire, tires while taking your electric scooter on road. But still you are getting issues, we have list of things which will definitely helps you in maintaining your electric scooter. The following points are given below:

1. Tires Check and Maintenance

The first and the most important thing while maintaining electric scooter is tires because the thing first touch the surface of road is tires. So in order to start your maintenance you have to check tire properly. Tire condition is must in order to get a safer ride on electric scooter.

Tire Pressure is the most important factor in riding electric scooter and the pressure should be around 36-37 for a light and smooth ride and 42-43 for a heavier and tough ride. To low of pressure will cause lower speeds while driving, damage the rim, higher rolling resistance with the road, more battery consumption. High Pressure in the tires cause tires to burst while riding, uncomfortable & irregular ride, cornering issues with tires, and irrelevant tire wear behavior.


2. Batteries Maintenance

Batteries are one of the most important parts of the electric scooter as it provides energy to the vehicle. Batteries store energy and it will be used in riding electric scooter and it depends on how much you ride on smooth or bumpy areas. If you run your electric scooter on bumpy or unequal areas it will take more battery consumption then on normal smooth surface.

Second and the most important thing is that you can use manufacturer-approved chargers only. Some manufacturers provide warranty but you have to go for original and relevant manufactures only. Make sure to have manual in the box of the electric scooter as it will help you charging and maintaining battery water level.

3. Temperature Check

Lithium batteries used in many electric scooters are resistant to control temperatures in any circumstances. Heat or cold temperatures may cause your electric scooter to perform very irregularly.

You can put lithium battery within 80 degrees temperature in order to provide a good environment for a long-lasting battery life experience. In order to maintain your electric scooter well always keep your scooter away from heat or hot weather during summer.


4. Brakes and Bearings

Scooters have different and unique ways of braking such as calipers, disc brakes etc. When you buy such type of electric scooters you have to confirm whether it has calipers or disk brakes installed in it. It is very important that you should be able to stop your scooter where you need it. There is a need for regular tuning and maintenance of your electric scooter while pushing brakes.

The maintenance requires replacement of the brake pads in order to get proper safety while riding electric scooter. The brake pads become useless after some time and long usage while driving electric scooter. When your electric scooter brakes are out of order you can take a look at the brake pads or other words brake shoes, and the brake cable tension. Heavy persons riding normal electric scooters always have brake failure issue and it can only be resolved if you buy some best electric scooter for heavy adults.

Second thing you can also do some daily precautionary measures to check that the rims and discs are fix at the point of attachment. Then you have to apply lubricant to the brake pivot point within the week. You have to clean your electric scooter ball bearing that reside beside the brake circular after use it for a long period of time because of dirt accumulated while you riding the electric scooter all the time. You have to apply grease on the ball bearings in order to keep it working smoothly.

5. Lubrication

Electric scooter with chains are always want some regular checkup before riding and in order to get its surface smooth you have to do regular lubrication on the chains to minimize friction. This lubrication work allows smooth movements of the electric scooter on roads.

It is recommended that you have to apply lubricant on your electric scooter chains at least once a week. You always have to clean out the parts of the objects on which you are going to apply lubricant. You also have to double check the bolts and nuts that they are tightened or not before riding electric scooter.

6. Performance Check

The performance check is a key feature in maintaining the quality and strength of good scooter before taking a ride. In maintaining your electric scooter or the quality of your scooter, unexceptional things always happen in every situation.


It is very important to have a complete kit with manual in order to get out of this situation and you also have knowledge of repairing your electric scooter. When you are buying these types of vehicles you always have user manual.

7. Cleaning Electric Scooter

You always hear cleaning increases the age of object. Same rule apply in the electric scooter scenario. But before cleaning or washing your electric scooter be sure to cover the engine, motor & battery as these parts are the most important.

First clean the dust that covers the whole body of scooter with the soft cloth and then use soapy water on it. You can also use sanitizers on the seats and lights because dust doesn’t let these parts very much. We recommend you to cover your electric scooter with cloth cover so that it cannot become dusty again.

Final Verdict

Hope you like the article and get a lot of information regarding How to Maintain Electric Scooter? The main purpose of this article to educate about the right usage of electric scooter? Hope we deliver the most accurate and proper maintenance measurement which will help you in quality check for your electric scooters.

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Originally posted 2020-07-09 14:59:57. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

1 thought on “How to Maintain Your Electric Scooter?

  1. Thank you for your article. From five years of practical experience with electric unicycles (EUC), which I utilize already to travel more than 47.000 km, I would like to add to the advice the need of regular rechanring the devices at least one per month. The biggest nuber of battery issues is connected to the fact that many (almost all) of the new batteries are equepped with BMS (Battery Management System) circuits and if this get broken, the battery will not deliver the power.

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