7 Strange-Sounding Cure for Sleep Disorders

signs of bad sleep

Everyone deals with it: The difficulty or inability to fall asleep after a tiresome day at work. Most people suffer from sleep disorders, some experience it on a short-term basis and usually it goes back to normal after a week or two. However, for the millions of Americans who suffer from its chronic form, it […]

The Benefits of Using a Weighted Blanket

benefits weighted blanket

It seems like a lot of celebrities can’t get enough of their newly discovered and already a favorite blanket. The announcement of the benefits they enjoy by using weighted blankets made the product very popular in the past two years. A weighted blanket, also known as gravity or heavy blanket, is a therapeutic tool used […]

Self-Help Guide to Fight Your Perpetual Fatigue

signs of bad sleep

A survey-based report completed by the National Safety Council found that, as of 2017, 43% of Americans believed they didn’t get enough sleep to adequately and effectively perform their daily duties at work. Additionally, about 11% of adults report that they get insufficient sleep every night. With sleep being such an important part of taking […]

The Paramount Importance of Good Sleep

signs of bad sleep

The importance of good sleep cannot be overemphasized. The human mind and body need those few hours of sub-consciousness to relax, refresh, restore and rejuvenate. However, due to our various busy schedules, about 80% of people get very little sleep. In fact, there are records of cases of people going for days without sleep. There […]

5 Reasons to Make Sure You Get Enough Sleep Every Single Night


You know you need to get plenty of sleep, if for no other reason than to make sure you don’t feel sleepy during the day. Feeling fatigued can really make the day drag! Unfortunately, getting enough sleep isn’t easy. Between work, family, and community obligations, it’s easy to go to bed later than you should, […]

6 Ways Depression May Affect You


There are a variety of ways that depression may affect you and your body. While the symptoms and the severity of them will likely be different for everyone, many of the signs remain the same. Keep reading for 6 ways depression can affect you. 1. Causes You to Feel Down or Sad One of the […]