9 Ways to Enhance Your Resilience


Learning the art of building resilience is crucial if you want to effectively deal with life’s challenges. Here’s how to enhance your resilience. What Is Resilience? In life, you’ll face many ups and downs. Unfortunately, some of the challenges you’ll face will have a longer-lasting impact, such as the loss of a loved one or […]

4 Ways to Overcome Unhealthy Trauma-Coping Habits

head injury treatment

If you have lived through a trauma then that means, by definition, you are a survivor. And being a survivor means, by definition, you are strong enough to have lived through something that could have killed you. But just because the event is over doesn’t mean you’ve moved past it. In fact, as bad as […]

10 Tips To Prepare For College Life

how to prepare for college

The passage from school to college life has a keyword: adaptation. Both academically, socially, and psychologically, it is important to adapt to the new world and each student handles it at their own pace, within their possibilities, with the tools at hand. If you are reading this, you or people you know are probably preparing […]