How Does The Workers Comp Insurance Work For Employers?

Workers Comp Insurance For Employers

Workers’ compensation insurance is a type of insurance employed people get in case they are injured in the workplace. No matter whose fault the injury may be, each worker is entitled by law to receive some compensation for the injuries they sustain. The worker’s family will also receive benefits in the unfortunate case of death. […]

Workers Comp vs. Short-Term Disability: What’s The Difference?

Comparison of Workers Comp and Short-term Disability

Workplace injuries and illnesses can happen to anyone at any time. Therefore, employers need to be aware of their options for paying medical bills and lost income for workers who are injured or ill while on the job. When an employee faces a work-related injury or illness, it can have serious financial repercussions. Employers must […]

Employer Responsibilities for Workplace Injury and Illness Recording


Across all occupations, workplace injuries and occupational illnesses are an unfortunate reality. Even with every precaution taken, an employee can still sustain an injury on the job, leaving them out of commission for weeks or months. As a business owner or employer, it’s your duty to your employees—and the law—to prevent these work-related injuries, report […]