Managers are a bit like artists: each has its own style. Or rather, each one finds its style, within the various types of business management that exist. Of course you need to know each of these guys well, to position yourself and build your career. Zoe Talent Solutions is the place where you can gain more knowledge about business management and its advantages. Here we will present eight examples, indicating the main characteristics and how you can qualify for each type of business management. It is a very interesting theme and also essential for your professional development. Check out!
1. Meritocratic management
Meritocratic management consists of focusing on people and valuing those that present the most potential, commitment and performance.
This type has a very positive effect on engaging the team, as everyone knows that their growth depends only on their own merit. His weak point is that it produces a competitive environment and not all professionals can deal with it in a healthy way.
If you want to apply meritocratic management, you need efficient, transparent and unbiased techniques to evaluate your employees. It’s what you learn in a post-graduate degree in people management .
2. Democratic management
Democratic management, also known as participatory management, has the main characteristic of openness for employees to take part in decision making. The degree of openness may vary, depending on the team’s level of maturity.
Like meritocratic management, this type also has direct effects on engagement and motivation. The main difference is that it relies more on collaboration than on competition, since, for successful decision-making, everyone must seek consensus.
If you want to develop a style of management linked to this type, you need, above all, to develop communication skills. After all, the manager is responsible for coordinating the dialogue that will lead to the decision.
3. Authoritarian management
The authoritarian management is centralized in the figure of the manager himself, leaving little space for the team to be involved in the most strategic processes. While it is usually associated with a negative practice, this type can be very helpful when dealing with inexperienced professionals.
Incredibly, it takes a lot of skill to develop authoritative management successfully, since poor execution can affect many aspects of the organization, such as engaging employees and retaining talent. If you are in a situation that requires this kind of management, you need to develop charisma and persuasion to ensure that your team will respect you and follow your directions.
4. Value chain management
Value chain management has to do with a specific goal: to generate more value in all stages of the processes developed by the team. Keep in mind that value generation is directly related to customer satisfaction.
The ideal training to implement value chain management involves training in marketing. In a specialization, for example, you learn market research techniques that allow you to better understand what the customer’s needs and expectations are.
5. Innovation cycle management
Innovation cycle management focuses on accelerating the process leading to innovation. With this, the great advantage is the increase in competitiveness, guaranteed for the company that manages to stay ahead of competitors.
Many managers who follow a style focused on the innovation cycle end up adopting the agile methodology for projects. This methodology aims to accelerate the achievement of real progress, albeit to a lesser extent. It is much used for software development, allowing you to launch the program in less time, although versions need to be created to introduce features, changes, and improvements.
There are two good recommendations if you want a useful training for this type of management. The first is to seek a specialization in production management, since innovation is one of the elements of the work on the “factory floor”.
The second is to pursue a specialization in IT management. Even if you do not work in a technology company, IT has a strategic role to play. Generating rapid innovation in this industry has a efficiency for the entire business.
6. Management Excellence Model
The management excellence model, or MEG, as its name implies, is a set of practices and methods aimed at ensuring that the company achieves excellence. For this, it is based on eight grounds:
- systemic thinking;
- organizational learning and innovation;
- transformative leadership;
- commitment to stakeholders;
- adaptability;
- sustainable development;
- process guidance;
- value generation.
It is also inspired by the PDCL cycle – Plan, Do, Check, Learn (Plan, Run, Check, Learn). Overall, it bears similarities to the Total Quality Model.
Qualifying for MEG requires, in addition to general management knowledge, specific training. In fact, it even requires a specific certification for those who want to learn how to implement this model!
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7. Process-focused management
In process-focused management, it is concerned with the procedures and methods developed by the team in the execution of the tasks. You can relate this type to constant improvement practices. An essential aspect is that there is no finish line; there will always be something to be improved.
Of course, that ultimately affects the outcome itself. It takes longer to see the effects, however, they are solid and long lasting.
For those who want to develop this type of management, the training needs to include the development of skills such as attention to detail. This is because the changes needed to achieve improvements are often small.
8. Results-driven management
Results-driven management can be summarized by the old phrase “ends justify the means”. So what really matters is to achieve the goals; the way this will be done is a secondary aspect – without neglecting the ethical implications.
This type of management makes all sense when the company is going through a difficult time and needs to get results quickly.
Now that you already know the main types of business management, here’s a final message. Do not think that your own style will be based only on one of these types, or that it will remain the same throughout your career. In fact, it is important to be flexible and able to aggregate elements of each type, depending on the situation.
Useful Resource: How to Write a Good Business Management Essay
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