
8 Efficient Ways to Clean Your Home When Babysitting Your Child

Raising a child offers a lot of challenges. Not to mention that it requires a lot of changes in the home and with your way of life.

One of the things you will need to deal with when you’re raising a child is how you manage your home. While you’re taking care of your kid, it can be tough to do your household chores. This is especially true if you still have very young kids with you and they need a lot of supervision.

Even if they’re toddlers, you want to keep an eye on them so that they don’t get themselves into all sorts of trouble. Thus, it can be hard to find ways to babysit your kids while also maintaining a clean and organized home.

For this dilemma, you should try out a couple of things and see if they work. Read on to find out 8 efficient ways that will help you figure out how to clean your home while you’re babysitting your kids.

1. Use a baby monitor

If you still have a baby, then they probably won’t go anywhere without your assistance. Having a baby monitor will help you stay alert and know what your kid is doing while you’re out of their room doing your cleaning.

Even if you have kids who are a bit older, it’s best to have a baby monitor to see what they’re up to, especially if they’re being unusually quiet.

A baby monitor is easy to carry so you can be anywhere in the house and still be able to see what your kid is doing. That way, you don’t have to be too worried while you’re doing your household chores.

Just remember to keep an eye out every now and then to check the baby monitor.

2. Find ways to multi-task

A skill that you should learn to be able to parent well is the art of multitasking. Although you might not be as focused on one task, if you have a lot on your plate that needs doing, you would at least be able to finish them all.

This is especially helpful if you have to do household chores.

You can carry your baby around with a baby carrier while you do some tasks all over the house. While you’re on a phone call, try and wipe down some surfaces or put away any clutter around the house.

3. Schedule task completion in bulk

Creating a schedule for your cleaning tasks will help you keep track of what tasks to do for the day, as well as regulate your cleaning regimen.

You can assign a specific cleaning task to a particular day. For example, you might want to focus more on dusting on Mondays. Then, you might want to do the laundry on Tuesday. Based on what you can do, schedule your household tasks around the child.

Remember to schedule a rest day from household cleaning as well. Aside from that, leave some room in your schedule for days when you need to catch-up on other things just in case.

4. Use a baby carrier

A baby carrier is very helpful for you if you want to know where your baby is or hold them in some way but want to free up your hands. Both a baby carrier and a baby sling will work for this.

As long as you’re not doing something that might harm the baby, like using chemicals to clean the house, then you should be fine carrying them with you.

Do note that you should rest your back sometimes from having to carry the baby all day.

5. Embrace white noise

Your kid sleeping is an opportunity that you want to make the most out of, and one thing that can help with that is a white noise maker.

cleaning while babysitting

A white noise maker will not only help your kids sleep faster and easier, but it will also be convenient for you to start pulling out the vacuum once you turn it on since they won’t hear it as much.

6. Let others lend a hand

It’s important for parents to know when they need a helping hand.

Hence, we always tell our clients at Planet Maids house cleaning nyc to have a family member or a reliable friend around. They can help look over your kids while you do the chores.

7. Focus on the main area

There are days when you won’t be able to finish cleaning your entire house. Thus, you should learn to prioritize.

The kitchen, the bathroom, and the living room should be your top three.

8. Get professional help

Sometimes you won’t be able to find friends and family to help you and you’re too tired to do a whole load of cleaning.

In this case, don’t be afraid to hire a cleaning crew to help you. They’ll be able to work a lot faster and you get to spend one-on-one time with your kid.


These efficient ways to clean your home while taking care of your kid are worth trying out. Instead of running yourself ragged, doing these things will help you keep a tidy home while having quality time with your child.

Originally posted 2020-12-04 14:06:03.

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