Car accidents are very common. They are actually inevitable. Even if you drive very carefully, you might still collide with another vehicle that’s being driven recklessly. In some instances, the accidents are caused by mechanical faults or improper road design. The good thing is that it’s the vehicles that get damaged most of the time. However, there are still many people that get injured during such an accident.
There are motorists that go through hell while trying to request for compensation from their insurance company simply because they didn’t notify the firm immediately. Others suffer from injuries due to the fact they didn’t seek medication right away. Below is a list of the things you can do to remain safe after an accident.
1. Don’t Leave the Scene
You should never try to leave an accident scene right away. Even if the accident was not big, it’s important you take time to asses the damage done on your vehicle and the occupants. You should also examine the condition of the other car.
In fact, you should put a sign to warn other motorists so that they can avoid the scene. A flashlight can also be used as an indicator for redirecting other road users. Incase you didn’t know, a scene that’s not protected can cause another accident. You should also avoid staying in the car because it’s never safe. Remember, even when you feel anxious, try to remain calm while looking for solutions. A car crash is something that no one expects, no matter the circumstances.
2. Call the Police
The law requires all accidents to be documented by the police for legal purposes. You should therefore call the nearest police station so that they can come and take charge over the situation. The police will then will come with an ambulance for taking those injured to the hospital. They will also interrogate you with the aim of finding out how everything happened.
While giving your side of the story, you should only say what you are sure of because your statement will be referred to when filing a claim with the insurance company. Since some injuries are only experienced later, you should never admit that you are not injured. Your answer should always be that you are not sure.
3. Call Insurance Company
Some motorists rush into admitting liability the moment they are involved in an accident. This is so wrong because it means you will have to compensate the other party with your own money. Instead of admitting liability, you should just call your insurance company.
The other driver should also call his insurance provider so that the problem can be solved by the two companies without involving both of you. If the car is badly damaged, they will make arrangements for it to be towed to the nearest car repair shop.
4. Take a Video of the Scene
Nowadays it’s not possible to use pictures as evidence. This is due to the fact that they can be manipulated to favor an interested party during a legal process. You should therefore use your phone to record a film of the scene before reaching out to auto accident attorney Kansas City.
You should ensure that the clip includes all the important details such as the registration numbers of all the vehicles that were involved in the accident, the identification documents of the occupants and the driver. This is because insurance companies normally conduct private investigations before honoring claims.
5. Seek Medical Attention
It is important you go for medical checkup to confirm that you don’t have any injury on your body. If there are no serious injuries, the doctor may recommend car accident soreness treatment because they help in relieving pain in the affected joints.
You should actually inform your relatives about the accident and where you are going to seek treatment so they can follow up.
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