water footprint

10 Ways to Conserve Freshwater and Reduce Water Wastage

In many countries, people struggle to access clean water for drinking. As such, governments and organizations across the world are increasingly aware of environmental conservation efforts focusing on saving freshwater supplies. In effect, many people and countries are trying to minimize water used in homes and are looking for ways to utilize a readily renewable resource available to us in the form of rainwater. By doing so, we are able to reduce our reliance on main water supplies and, in effect, save freshwater and reduce water bills. In this post, let’s take a look at 10 ways you can do to save precious, clean drinking water.

water footprint

1. Rainwater tanks

Storing rainwater is a process as old as time and ensures that water is always available in a household and less tap water is consumed. In this sense, many homeowners and business proprietors look at investing in concrete underground rainwater tanks to store the renewable resource freely available to us in rainwater. This greatly reduces the overreliance on main water supplies and could save households and businesses thousands in annual utility bills.

Useful Resource: Care Tips for Commercial Water Tanks

2. Saving water starts at home

Turn off faucets when not required. To reduce water wastage, tap water should be used only when required, and family members should also be disciplined to prevent unnecessary wastage of water. If a faucet or tap is leaking, a plumber should be contacted immediately, since a huge amount of water is wasted if leakages are not fixed.

3. Reuse water where available

For example, water used for rinsing can be used in the garden for watering plants or for cleaning the driveway.

4. When washing cutlery

Changing the way dishes are washed can reduce the water needed for washing them. Instead of cold water, use hot water to make cleaning dishes and silverware easier. A small dishwasher does wonders when there is a full load, so make sure to wash dishes in big batches.

Make sure to remove additional residue and food on dishes and cutlery to make washing dishes quicker and reduce the water and energy required by dishwashers.

5. When using a washing machine

Front-loading washing machines use less water than top-loading machines. Always remember to check the washing machine’s energy rating to save power, as the water consumption should also be lower. The washing machine should also be used only when fully loaded.

6. General plumbing

Using low-flow toilets and shower heads can reduce the amount of water used in bathrooms to a great extent, since a lot of water is used for flushing and showering. Attachments such as low-flow faucets are also available to keep water pressure consistent while wasting less water.


7. When showering

Reducing the time taken for showers can help save water and energy consumed for heating water. Though showers are more efficient than bathtubs, a person should take a shower for no longer than five minutes. Encourage others in the household to reduce their shower times as well.

8. Swimming pools

Keeping a swimming pool covered with electric pool covers or pool enclosure which can reduce the amount of water that evaporates, maintains the temperature of the water, and prevents debris from entering the pool, which saves you from replacing the pool water once in a while.


9. For small gardens

Watering plants by hand using a bucket and a pail is more efficient compared to using a sprinkler system. Using rainwater stored in underground rainwater tanks virtually eliminates the need to use municipal water supplies. Additionally, watering plants early in the morning or late in the evening ensures water does not evaporate as quickly due to sunlight and ensures an adequately moist soil.

10. For large gardens or farms

In the case of larger gardens and farms, automatic sprinkler systems should be used that set off at set times or set at ideal moisture levels for plants. A carefully calibrated system will water the plants only when they require water. Rotating-type sprinkler heads should replace the less efficient mist-type sprinkler heads.

Originally posted 2021-08-14 13:30:24.

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