Palestine has a full membership in the UNFCCC and has recently signed Paris Agreement on climate change along with many other countries. This requires Palestine and its Environmental Quality Authority (EQA) to implement the agreements and conventions of UNFCCC on climate change and other environmental issues.
In the coming few years, Palestine needs support to implement its plans and environmental policies, disseminate information among the public and raise their awareness on climate change and other environmental issues. Accordingly, AYCM wants to play some role in raising the awareness of the public on the influential role of environmental media in shaping policies, influencing decision makers and changing people’s behaviors to be more protective to the environment and be more influential on the policy level.
With generous fund and support from Heinrich Böll Stiftung Palestine & Jordan; Arab Youth Climate Movement – Palestine launches project “Promoting Environmental Awareness through Environmental Media”, The main objective of this project is to highlight the importance of environmental media and it’s effective influence which can create among the different categories of society such as promoting environmental awareness and contribute to the implementation and development of environmental policies.
Project Duration
Four months started from 21 June 2016 to 31 October 2016.
Project Objectives
- Providing twenty environmental activists with basics, importance and applications of environmental media.
- Producing of environmental short film to deliver expressive messages and reflects the public opinion.
- Production of environmental theater focus on the sound environmental behaviors and the role of citizens in support of environmental policies.
- Spread awareness of sound environmental culture among the different segments of society and to increase their knowledge of environmental laws and policies.
Project Activities
- Training course: targeting 20 trainees with main topics related to the climate change, environmental awareness and behaviour. The training will start on the second week of July 2016 for 2 weeks.
- Filming and editing short environmental film: During the training course, the participants will generate a general film idea which carry a series of messages to the public and reflects their opinion, and then with external consultant, the scenario will be prepared, filming and editing.
- Design and production of the environmental theater: This theater aim to share the sound environmental behaviors to the public and their role to support and implement the environmental policies.
- Conduct 6 awareness workshops: to promote the environmental awareness, problems, solutions and motivate the target groups of children, youth and women to discuss their stories and requirements.
- Present the environmental theater: the theater will play 3 times on a theater stage, groups of children, youth , women and related organizations will be invited.
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Originally posted 2016-07-20 16:26:18. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
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