When you set out to begin a small business, the challenges that lay ahead of you can be very daunting. You’ll not only need an interesting and unique idea and a catchy business name, but you’ll need the plan, money, and expertise to back it up. You’ll also need an assistant, but those usually cost money. Since starting and running a small business is already so expensive, why not try to find a free business assistant who is always available?
I’m talking about business management mobile apps. With mobile applications to help you stay organized, manage projects and employees, advertise, and balance the books, you can run your business with less overhead and less headache using a free business assistant.
1. Staying Organized
As a startup company, you’ll always have a thousand tasks to do all at once. To help you get over that feeling of having too many irons in the fire, mobile apps are there to keep you on track. Organization and time management are two keys to juggling a lot of to-do’s at once, which is why apps like Wunderlist are so effective.
With easy to make and share to-do lists, these mobile apps are a planner’s best friend. You can create a group that is working on the same to-do list while also managing your own in a different folder. And friendly reminders will help you stay on top of your pressing tasks, so nothing will fall by the wayside.
2. Project Management
Another hurdle you’ll have to jump as a small business owner is keeping your employees occupied. In today’s age of technology, getting work done remotely is a great way for you to reduce your overhead costs early on. You see, paying employees to come into the office every day can get expensive, but part-time, remote employees are a lot more cost-efficient.
However, organizing and managing employees remotely can be a hassle without the right tools. Fortunately, project management apps like Basecamp allow you to assign tasks, communicate, and share documents all in one user-friendly forum that even connects to everyone’s email accounts.
3. Marketing and Outreach
And of course, every business struggles with advertising early on. To get the word out about your business and why it fills that unique niche people have been searching for, mobile apps provide connectivity to millions of potential clients. You know very well how saturated the market is. Everyone is selling the same products at competitive prices, so unless you have a new invention, advertising is crucial.
How do you let people know that your product or service is different? Effective advertising mobile apps can help you spread the word in fun and engaging ways. Everything your business does should be designed to set you apart from the competition, so reaching out through innovative mobile apps will help people take an interest.
4. Accounting
As a small business owner, you’ll also want to make sure that your financial plan is sound, your budgeting is steady, and your books are balanced. Unless you want to hire a full-time accountant, then finance mobile apps can be your saving grace.
With various apps that help you keep track of inventory, resources, and capital, you’ll be able to stick with your financial plan using nothing but your phone. It’s convenience at your fingertips, and it’s also the most cost-effective method of keeping track of your money.
You can never be too careful or have too much help when you’re starting your small business. For more business assistance right at the touch of a button, check out this list of helpful startup mobile apps.
By using the latest technology, you’ll reap the benefits of a cutting edge business. You’ll also enjoy the convenience of having free business resources on your phone to help you make your entrepreneurial dreams come true.
Originally posted 2021-06-24 10:14:01.