power backup solutions

Everything You Need to Know About Power Backup Solutions

Protecting the power supply to your vital IT, security and other systems is a key part of keeping your business going in the event of mains-supply problems. It’s always the unexpected that catches you out and a simple loss of mains power – even a brief interruption – can lead to lost data and even damaged systems.

With a squeeze on generating capacity on the way in the next few years as older coal-fired power stations begin to close, the risk from power interruptions is greater than ever. So there’s no better time to review your need for power backup and take a close look at the power backup solutions to protect your company.


To protect your servers, telecoms or important computer, CCTV or other systems, there are plenty of uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) on offer. These can come as stand-alone units or in a rack mount format to fit in an existing server cabinet. A UPS sits between the mains and your equipment and allows your systems to survive minor fluctuations in the mains supply.

In the event of a longer interruption, they give you the time to shut down systems in an orderly way in order to minimise the chance of data being lost or corrupted or of equipment being damaged by a crash stop. Features in the latest models include the ability to hot-swap batteries to ensure minimal downtime as well as advanced battery management to speed up recovery time after the unit is discharged. A specialist UPS Company should be able to help you select the right unit for your needs.

If you have a larger mini-computer system or you’re running a dedicated computer room there are three-phase units available. These can be specified in modular configuration to allow them to expand as your needs increase. Again, the ability to hot-swap modules minimises the need for downtime when maintenance is required and offers improved flexibility. You can choose from tower or rack-mounted systems to fit in with your requirements.


For data centres or mission-critical systems where total protection from failure is required, you may want to consider using a standby generator. Combined with a UPS this means your systems can continue to operate even in the event of the mains being out for some time. You need to ensure that any system is properly specified so that the UPS has enough power to cover the time between the mains going off and the generator getting up to speed.

Whatever the size of your business, power backup solutions for office is important because your profitability depends on it. Whether you need a simple UPS to give your servers time to perform an orderly shutdown or a full-blown standby generator solution for a data centre, you’ll find there’s a power backup solution available to suit your needs.

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