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7 Roof Maintenance Tips for Homeowners

Giving your regular roof maintenance may seem a daunting job and a waste of money at first. But in reality, it actually saves you money and a lot of hassle in the long run. If you neglect to maintain your roof with care will develop small problems that may end up developing bigger ones over time. You will get about three decades of sustenance rating for a typical roof, but you have to give it regular maintenance to maintain it.

If you’re a nerd about getting it done by yourself, consult a professional service like However, I’ll share the basic roof maintenance tips for your roof to keep it in good condition and make it last longer. Stick to the article if you’ve been wondering how you can inspect your roof and give it a professional roof maintenance touch.

Guide to Roof Maintenance 

Every homeowner needs to know when to inspect the roof for maintenance and get on with it. Here are the 7 best tips to help you start inspecting your roof today and give it a good maintenance touch:

1. Trim the trees hanging over the roof

The most important tip in roof maintenance is to help the roof to keep out of constant exposure to debris. Most of the time, the biggest enemy of a roof is the trees hanging over the roof. A big tree with big brunches can be a big plus for your house because it cuts the energy bills in the summer.


However, it’s not good for the roof because the leaves are constantly falling on the roof and damaging it in a great measure. A big tree can also lead to significant roof damage during a storm. To balance between the positive and the negative impacts is to trim the branches that are hanging over the roof. Make sure there is not even a small branch touching the roof, or not hanging over.

2. Deep clean the gutters regularly

The main part of the roof is more likely to survive for a long period because the dust doesn’t stay there. However, the gutters are the opposite because they are developing piles of debris, leaves, and dirt from all over the roof. Most people don’t care that the gutters are getting weaker because of the constant exposure to the dirt.

Clean the rain gutters and the downspouts regularly about 2 to 3 times a year so that they don’t develop rust. The leaves may not clean out while it rains and may get rotten to weaken the surface of the gutter. Cleaning it will keep it from damaging the gutter and keep your roof safe.

3. Check the gutter bolts and secure them

Another thing to pay attention in the gutters is to inspect the bolts that link the gutters with the roof. People who clean their roof gutters regularly may overlook the bolts without realizing that they can damage, too! Inspect them if they develop rust or have a loose connection to the roof. They keep the cast iron guttering in its place, so it’s important to have the firm in their places.

The faulty and rusty bolts will damage both the gutters and the roof itself over time. Open the bolts, rinse them with clean water, clean the area, and reattach them to keep them firm.

4. Cleaning the downspouts with a big handle

Now that you have your gutters and the bolts secure in their place don’t overlook the downspouts! They can also fill up with debris, leaves, and other dirt because they usually have a sharp corner. Be sure to clean inside the downspout, including the corners and the grooves, as they are stubborn about holding the leaves.

choked downspout leaves roof
Man cleaning the gutter from autumn leaves

While installing the downspout, have the facility to access the inside to clean it properly. Shake the downspout to loosen the leaves inside the clogged downspout, use a stick to clean the inside. If you cannot shake it or cannot enter a bigger handle, use a plumber’s snake to clean the narrow inside.

5. Use a good broom to sweep the roof

If you see any pile developing on the roof, don’t take long to sweep it off the roof. Use a good roof broom to do the job, or you will regret not doing it earlier. If you let some pile sit on the roof for long, it will trap the moisture and damage the shingles.


Greater damage to the shingles may also lead the underlayment layer to get into trouble and get you into a serious problem. You can avoid getting a bigger problem only by using a roof broom with a long handle to sweep the roof.

6. Inspecting the shingles and the flashing

Cleaning the shingles after building a pile of debris isn’t the only time you clean it. You have to consider inspecting and cleaning it regularly because a simple overlooked problem may lead the roof to a severe problem.


Especially if you can see a tear on the shingles, color imbalance, or haven’t been above for long, inspect it once in a while. The flashings are more important, and they need more attention to stay in good shape as they escape the water.

7.  Repair at the primary stage

Walk through your attic and inspect the roof from inside to find any leak or damage in the primary stage. Hire professionals to do it; they can identify the problems before they get worse. If you find any spot to correct, don’t wait until it becomes severe, treat it right away, and give it a repair.

Final words

If you want your roof to sustain for decades, you must take good care of the roof and regular cleaning. Regular maintenance will help you save a big penny in the long run because you can avoid replacing the whole roof. You can hire a roofing professional once in a year and give it a deep inspection for every inch of the roof.

Usually, the dust, dirt, and leaves on the roof will slide down to the gutters themselves. If you notice there is a pile of leaves or dirt, you must keep it clean with the proper procedure.

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