It is necessary you know how to speed clean your room with vacuum cleaner. If you don’t know how to do this, then you are required to learn effective way of doing this. To most people, messy rooms, dirty floors, and clutter seem to drain their mental energies and often put them in an unhappy mood. Most people find it difficult to clean their home, especially people that have psoriatic arthritis used to experience some pains – it affects their mood and productivity. Check roomba versus roborock to select the best vacuum cleaner.
Speed cleaning your home is good; it keeps your home in a top form to the extent that some of your visitors and family members may never know that you didn’t do actual cleaning to the place. When you do vacuum cleaner, you will have less clutter and fewer messes to deal with. This article is for you if you are yet to reset your home, or if you want to truly clean your home.
Things you will need
To speed clean your room, you will need the following:
- all-purpose cleaner
- glass cleaner
- microfiber cleaning cloths
- furniture polish
- bathroom disinfectant spray
- A laundry hamper, bag or box that will hold collected clutter.
Work in order
You need to start speed cleaning from the entrance of your room or house, because this is the first place that visitors will see when they come to you. You need to make a first enduring impression. Cleaning the public areas like bathroom, guest bathroom, and bedrooms remains something you should be serious with.
Working in order is very important, so that if you are interrupted along the way, you can easily close the door to those places where your guests won’t see.
After this, you can now clean the entryway; this can be done by using a cordless vacuum cleaner or sweeping the floor. You can clean away cobwebs with a long-handled duster or microfiber cloth.
Speed clean the kitchen by emptying the sink, and then spray disinfectant on it. Spray the appliance fronts and counters, and use microfiber cloth to wipe them, rinse the sink, wipe the stove top, vacuum or sweep all the traffic areas of the floor, use a clean dish towel and microfiber cloth to wipe all the dirty spots on the floor.
It is easy to wipe debris and hairs from the vanity, the base of the toilet and sink. This can be effectively done with a microfiber cloth. Use spray to disinfect all the surfaces, vanity, and sink including the bowl. Use brush to clean the toilet, toilet tank, seat, base as well as underneath the seat. Vacuum or sweep the floor, clean the mirror, polish the doorknob or faucets.
Living Room
In your living room, use a dry microfiber to speed clean dust from your side tables, television screen, coffee table, and other horizontal surfaces. Vacuum or sweep high traffic areas, straighten the throw blankets and sofa pillows.
Wipe the headboard, nightstand, dresser and other surfaces with a lightly damp microfiber cloth.
In this article, we take time to reflect what it will take to speed clean your house. Now you have understood how and why it is necessary to speed clean your home, please do not take it for granted.
Following all the instructions mentioned in this article will help you to clean public areas in your room or house such on top of your fridge, the floor, under the sofa cushions, and many more. Check roomba versus roborock to select the best vacuum cleaner.
Try to engage in speed cleaning and you will never regret doing so!
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