5 Green Money-Saving Tips For One and All

eco-friendly money saving tips

Going green requires knowing a laundry-list of different ways to save the planet. Many people, however, find that these eco-solutions are much too impractical to implement for the resources they have available. Sustainably produced personal care products are amazing for the planet, but not a good option for those saving the pennies. Organic foods are […]

5 Reasons Why Solar Panels Are Becoming So Popular


You may have noticed that solar panels are becoming more and more popular, especially among homeowners. Solar panels are changing the way we live, they are helping us become more environmentally friendly, and they are becoming more and more efficient and affordable as the technology behind them gets perfected. Solar panels from Solar Quote are changing the way […]

The Top 5 Benefits of Going Green


Despite warnings about global warming and the effect our actions have on the environment, many people still refuse to go green! Why? Perhaps it’s laziness. Why go through the hassle of recycling when you can throw everything into one garbage bag? Some people may refuse to accept scientific reports about climate change and pollution, or […]

Everything You Need to Know About a Cool Roof


So you’ve decided that you want to be environmentally friendly and install an energy efficient roof on top of your home, one that will not only save on your heating and cooling bills, but will also allow you to help Mother Earth. You have many options to explore in the energy efficient/green realm, which can […]

7 Easy Ways For Students to Keep the Energy Bill Down

energy management for students

When you join college, you realize you’re responsible for your wellbeing. You can no longer turn to your parents every time you have a problem. That is why you need to figure out suitable ways to make it to the end of each semester on your own. The first thing you need to learn is […]

Benefits Of Hiring A Heating Service

Heating Service HVAC Repairs scaled

Before winter starts to blow in, it’s best to have your heater checked by a professional technician. Heating maintenance and repair services are essential to lengthen the life of your office or home’s HVAC system and also your overall comfort. In this post, you’ll learn the benefits of hiring a heating service in Ithaca, New […]

How to Overcome Common Solar Myths


There’s not a day that goes by where incredible advancements aren’t being made in the field of the solar power industry. Solar power offers an immense amount of ways to save money and keep the planet safe as well. This power is becoming more and more mainstream all the time in our homes. However, there […]

Want to Reduce Energy Bills? Things To Change About Your Home

smart home devices

Are you the kind of person who considers yourself to be a bit of an environmentalist? You may very well care about the environment, but if you’re not doing the following things, your home could be more damaging to the environment than it is helping. Start by doing the following 5 things and you will […]

How to Know When Your Roof Needs Replacing

moss growth on roof

Making sure your house’s roof is in tip top shape is an important part of owning a home. However, many people tend to overlook it and may not notice when problems arise.  Having a bad roof can cause water to get inside and ruin the interior of your home and it can also raise your […]

Energy Usage of an Average Church

How to Reduce Energy Usage of Church

Churches are large structures with an open interior to accommodate people for worship. Due to this plan, churches tend to be expensive in terms of energy usage. There are a variety of factors that need to be considered when determining the church’s energy usage. Size and energy usage of a church An average church is […]