
9 Things to Know About Energy-Efficient Home Improvements

Remodeling your house is not only an opportunity to visually enhance and improve the function of your home, it’s also a great way to reduce waste and save energy. Energy-efficient home improvements will help to increase the comfort of your home while helping to protect the environment. If you’re considering remodeling, it’s worth the time to find out if there are ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency.

Below are few ways which can make a meaningful impact in your journey towards a green home:


1. Energy Efficiency Audit

Before you can improve your home’s energy efficiency, you have to first determine exactly where your house is losing energy. A home energy audit helps owners determine their energy use and how problems can be corrected. Your local government energy office may help you identify a local company or organization that performs audits. You can also contact your utility company to see if they offer free or discounted energy audits to their customers.

2. Seal Air Leaks

Plugging up the leaks that allow air to slip into and out of your house-and drive up your utility bills-is an important first step in creating an energy-efficient home. Such leaks are often found around doors and windows, but they also can be in your basement, crawlspaces, or attic.

3. Insulation

Adding insulation to your attic can help keep your home comfortable all year round. Statistics show that about half of the homes in the United States are under-insulated. Often in the attic spaces the insulation will reduce down to 3 or 4 inches over a period of years, where you are supposed to have at least 12 inches of insulation (depending on the type of insulation).

4. Seal Ducts

In forced-air heating and cooling systems, ducts carry hot or cold air to different parts of home. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that roughly a fifth of this air escapes through leaks. To address this costly nuisance, consumers should repair leaks in exposed ducts, such as those found in the attic and basement with the help of heating repair Las Vegas.

In addition to sealing leaks, it’s also recommended that homeowners insulate their ducts. Replacing old, leaky windows with higher-efficiency models can save in the long run.

5. Energy-saving options

Make sure any new windows are double-paned and glazed. Energy-efficient low-e (low emissive) and spectrally-selective coatings block out UV rays while still allowing light and heat to pass through. Storm windows and solar shades can help to protect your home from solar heat gain.

6. Adding more windows in specific locations

This technique offers a way to capture natural sunlight and heat during colder months. Replace outdated heating and air conditioning units Older, inefficient heaters and air conditioners use more energy because they have to work harder to heat and cool.

7. Replace outdated appliances

Replacing an outdated HVAC system with a more energy-efficient one can lower your monthly energy bills. Regular maintenance of the AC unit will also help in saving energy as well as money. Replace your energy-zapping water heater with high-efficiency water heaters can bring down home energy costs.

Water heating makes up anywhere from 15 to 25 percent of the annual energy usage in a home. High-efficiency water heaters conserve energy by keeping water hot longer than traditional water heaters.

natural light home
Builders can design homes to take advantage of sunlight for lighting and heating.

8. Kitchen

The real energy savers in kitchen remodels are the appliances you choose. Certified ENERGY STAR products can cut your energy bill by 40 percent since they use less power and water. Additionally, if you replace your gas or electric stove with an induction range that uses a small amount of concentrated heat, you’ll use less energy while you cook.

9. Bathroom

As you replace showerheads and faucets, consider low-flow products that provide water pressure that is similar to conventional items while significantly cutting down on water usage in your bathroom. Consider installing high-efficiency and dual-flush toilets that use approximately 1.28 to 1.6 gallons of water per flush.

Recommended Reading: Why Regular HVAC Maintenance is Necessary

Salman Zafar

Originally posted 2021-01-31 10:49:39. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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