How To Take Care Of Natural Kinky Hair During Pregnancy?


Pregnancy is undoubtedly a time of transformation for any woman. As you prepare to nurture the miracle growing inside you, you will be confronting hormonal changes that affect the quality and texture of your natural hair. With the fatigue and exhaustion that women typically experience during this period, it might be tempting to spend less […]

Best Natural Ways to Alleviate Back Pain During Pregnancy


Today, due to excessive use of machines, we do very less hard work in our office and homes. We spend several hours in the office in only a sitting position in front of computers and laptops. Because of this, the flexibility of the bones and muscles goes away. In result, we suffer from joint pain […]

Reasons Why Women Terminate Pregnancy


Women sometimes have abortions because of personal reasons. Knowing why they can do this can correct most of the public’s misconceptions about the issue and give some compassion. How then do women decide that this is the best thing for the unborn child, themselves, and other family members? For many women, talking about abortion to […]

Pampering in Pregnancy: How to be Safe while Traveling


Traveling can sometimes be stressful even if you’re not pregnant, but if you are, there are some things you need to pay attention to. As long as everything is going well with your pregnancy, you can enjoy time off and pamper yourself before all those sleepless nights come. Be prepared for people wanting to stop […]

How to Use Instagram to Overcome Post-Delivery Depression

resolving post delivery depression using instagram

Post-delivery depression is real and affects different women in various ways! Pregnancy is never easy. Bodily changes and physical pain and fatigue is not the only change that a woman undergoes. Changes in hormones can turn one’s world upside down. And the same continues after delivering the baby as well. The journey of nine months […]

Why Is Everyone Getting Pregnant But Me?


Sometimes life may seem unfair to others up to the extent that one begins to think otherwise. If you are a woman and have been in this world for the last many years without having a baby of your own making, being at piece can be alien to you. You walk around and see every woman around […]

The Different Reasons Behind the Sweet Taste in Your Mouth

reasons sweet taste in mouth

Have you ever felt a sweet like taste in your mouth without any such reasons? Well, that can be an alarming situation though sometimes it turns out to be good news as well the chances of health complications are also there at the same time. The sweet taste in your mouth (or you can say […]